Chapter 3: Who is this lady?

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I log onto the RFA and see 24 missed calls. "God Damn It!" I mentally yell, "What happened this time?"
I go to my messages, and see messages from almost everyone.

MC: Seven! We know something up! You can't lie to us so easily anymore!

Yoosung: Are you okay? Everyone's really worried.

Zen: Can you stop messing around and just tell us what's going on???

Jaehee: Seven, it would be more beneficial to everyone if you would tell us what it happening instead of leaving and having us a wonder.

Jumin: Seven, you're being immature.

Damn, they were probably talking about this all day.

I open the RFA chatroom and scroll up to after I left.

Yoosung: He left pretty quickly, didn't he?
Zen: yeah, actually, he did.
MC: Something is going on! I know it!

After that, there is more and more talk about what was going on. "These people will take anything they can grasp and turn it into drama, won't they?" I thought to myself angrily.
I scroll down to the current time and enter the chatroom.

707 has entered the chatroom
Jaehee: Seven, you are here.
Yoosung: Sven!!! We werte alj so worrisd!1!1
Zen: Yoosung! Stop gaming any pay attention!!

"I guess I have to explain myself now..." I think to myself.

707: There's this hacker.. 606. He is the second best hacker in the world. He is my arch nemesis. And he was the one who beat me.
707: But I tracked his location. And I'm not sure what to do..
V: I see... (I had to I'm sorry)
Yoosung: OMG isn't it obvious!! Go and find him and KILL HIM (yandere Yoosung lol)
Zen: whoa there dude calm down.
Jaehee: Yes, it would be very unlikely that Luciel is going to kill someone.
MC: I have to agree with half of what Yoosung said.
MC: you should try and find this guy.
Jumin: I agree as well.
707: He lives in (insert the town you live in)
Jaehee: Well that's a weird coincidence. 
MC: Even more of a reason to go!
707: You guys are right. I need to go find this guy...
Mc:  Yay! Go seven! When are you going to go?
707: Right now.
707 has left the chatroom

My adrenaline is rushing. I grab my coat, a contacting-my-boss-phone, my normal phone, a gun (just in case), a bag of Honey Buddha chips, and a Dr. Pepper. Then I get in my car.  I had already sent the coordinates to my phone from my computer. Now all I have to do is go there... I put the key in the ignition and slowly turn the key. The car turns on. My prayers weren't answered. I wanted an excuse to not go.

Instead, I start driving towards the house that 606 lives in. I'm wearing all black. I get there quickly. The door is a yellowish-beige color, and it has a code input place. You hack that easily with your phone. Stupid of 606 to use such an early model of the security system. I quietly open the door, walk in, and close the door.  I see a girl with a pink, pixie haircut sitting on a couch facing the TV. She couldn't see me. She had a bowl of popcorn in her lap, but it was spilling a bit. I walk closer to her. She suddenly turns around.
Our eyes meet and my heart stops. Her and I look at each other for a full 10 seconds, staring into each other's eyes.  The staring is broken by her taking the popcorn off her lap, standing up, and running towards me. She jumps and hugs me before exclaiming, "707!! You're finally here!!"

"Who the hell is this..."

632 words!!

707 x Hacker 606Where stories live. Discover now