Chapter 4: Meeting 606

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This strange lady is hugging me, and I'm not sure what to do. I slowly move my arms, pushing her off of me.  "Seven...? Why'd you do that? I was hugging you!" She pouts. 

"Who are you?" I ask slowly, "And how do you know who I am?"

"You didn't get my messages?" The girl asks, looking confused.

"What messages?" I slowly put my hand near my left pocket, ready to grab my gun if necessary.  This girl doesn't look like a threat, but you never know. 

The girl suddenly glares at me, and demands in a stern voice, "Drop the gun and kick it towards me." 

"And why would I do that?" I ask, a bit amused by her sudden act of dominance. 

Quick as lightning, she pulls out a gun herself and points it at me, "I said... DROP THE GUN!"

Damn... I let my guard down... If I had pulled out the gun from the start, I would be the one in control of the situation. I move one hand of mine into the air, and with the other, I slowly pull my gun out of my pocket, drop it to the ground, put both hands in the air, and kick it towards her.  She bends down and grabs the gun, then walks to a safe across the room and places it in there.  Then, she put her own gun back in her pocket. 

"Seven... I didn't take you as such a hostile person... Bringing a gun? Mean!" The pink haired girl says with a smile.  "Now Seven, I assume you want me to explain myself. Am I correct?" 

"Yeah... That would be helpful." I mutter back. 

"Follow me," she said as she leads me to her couch. "Sit down," she offers. 

I decide to sit down... This couldn't get any worse so why not.

"I'm 606... I thought you would have guessed by now but maybe you aren't as bright as I took you for." The pink haired girl says. 

"You're 606! I didn't think 606 would be a girl?!" I almost yell because of how surprised I am. 

"Pfft... That's pretty sexist of you," 606 says, "But I forgive you! We are going to have so much fun!"

"What? You're my arch nemesis? Why are you doing all this?" I tell her. 

"Arch-nemesis?" She asks. Then she starts laughing. "Seven,  you're so cute! We don't have to be enemies!"

"You hacked MeTube. You are always decoding the things I hack, and I'm always cleaning up the messes you make!" I stand up and say. I'm getting a bit angry. 

"Seven, sit down," She says and gently pulls me down so I am sitting again. "I only did those things to get your attention."

"What? Why would you want my attention?" I ask I am suddenly confused. 

"Because Seven! How dull are you?" She straight into my eyes and says, "It's because I love you!" She hugs me again. 

A/N: Thank you, everyone, who participated in the Mystic Messenger Amino poll I set up! 54% of you wanted 707 to go find 606, so that's what he did! Hope you like the story! I'm out of school today so there will be multiple chapters posted!

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