Chapter 6: Anger and Sadness

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*Trigger Warning: If you get triggered by sadness, and drinking, I wouldn't read this chapter.

606 P.O.V

I sit in my chair, surprised at what had just happened.  I kissed him... and everything was alright.. then he just pushed me away? Seven God Damn It! Why is it so hard to get into your heart! I start softly crying, holding my knees to my eyes.  "Why... Why does he have to be like this?" I ask myself out loud.  I hate looking so weak, but the sadness is overwhelming. I lift up my long skirt and dry my eyes. I quietly walk inside. 

I get to the living room and see my show still going, popcorn bowl spilling a bit. I look around the room and see my safe, cracked open and the gun I took from Seven missing. I laugh a sad laugh. "Really Seven, you took your gun but didn't take me?" 

I walk to my room and slowly curl up in a ball, lying in my bed. Why does life have to be this way?

Seven's P.O.V

I tried falling asleep, but I just couldn't. That look on her face as I was walking away. Her eyes slowly filling with tears and her lip shaking. Ugh... I need to do something to get this out of my head.  I log into the RFA and see people are online

707 has entered the chatroom
Zen: Hey Seven. 
Yoosung: Did you meet with 606???
MC: Yes, please tell us
707:  Um... Yeah. But it didn't turn out how I expected. 
Jaehee: Really? What happened. 
Jumin: Yes, please tell.
707: This is about a world-famous hacker, so I can't say much. But I will say, he was a she.
Zen: Whoa! A girl??
Yoosung: The hacker was a girl?
MC: Hmm... Something else happened, didn't it?
707: MC, you know I can't talk about that. 

Jaehee: Yes, we should respect his work. 
Yoosung:  But I wanna knowwwww.. :'(

MC: Same
V: Luciel's work is confidential. 
707: Yeah Guys T_T don't bug me.
Zen: Fine. We won't.
Yoosung: Hey speak for yourself, V can't order me around. 
Yoosung: Tell us
Yoosung: Tell us
Yoosung: Tell us
Yoosung: Tell us
Yoosung: Tell us
707 has left the chatroom

"Yoosung why are you so annoying lolololol," I thought to myself. Instantly her face popped back into my head.  Damn it! It came back. Arrrghh! I need to do something to distract myself. I decide to play a game of overwatch with some friends. They have to leave, and then her face comes back! "Why?? Why can't I stop thinking about her? I can't be with her anyways."

I walk to my fridge and grab a Budlight. This might help me drain my thoughts. I gulp it down and then throw myself onto my couch and try to shut my eyes. I'm not falling asleep, so I decide to turn on the TV. It's one of the shows Zen was in.. of course it is... I don't even remember which one, I'm not even watching it. Slowly I fade off into sleep. 

606's P.O.V.

I crack the system to 707's house fairly quickly. You'd think a pro hacker would have a better security system... I open the door and quietly walk it. I instantly see him laying on the couch, drool coming out of his mouth. He's fast asleep. The TV is on, and a show that starts actor Hyun is playing. I had a job in which I did a background check on him not too long ago. He was involved in some big drama or something. 

I walk over to seven and look at him. His eyes are closed and his mouth opened just a bit. I run my finger along his jawline. He yawns and stretches, but then lies back down. I tap his nose and he scrunches it up. Man, this guy is hard to wake up... I grab his shoulders and start shaking him like a crazed maniac. That did the trick. 

"Ahh! What? Who is it???" He yells as he bolts upward and starts looking around. His eyes fall on me.  He smiles at first, but then he has a sudden remembrance and frowns. "Six... What are you doing in my house?"

"I... I came to see you..." I replied.

 A/N:There are 707 words. That is great!

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