Chapter 5: What?

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I sit there, surprised. This is the second time today that I have been hugged by this random person. Well, she's actually not that random. I have been competing against her for the last 6 months in hacking battles.

"What do you mean? You can't love a person you just met.." I reply.

"I didn't just meet you... I was in your college class Luciel. You were always so smart... but you never noticed me. I sat by you every day for 4 years, and yet you don't remember me?" 606 asks.

"I'm sorry... I was really focused on studying, not people in college." I reply.

"I hired a private detective to find you, but they couldn't... you were too hidden. So I hired a really good hacker. They told me you were the infamous 707. I believed them, you were always so interested in computers and such." 606 says.

"You did all that to find me? Where did you learn how to hack though?"I asked. I was suspicious of 606's story. Scammer's do this often... make you think they care or love you and then leave when they get want they want.

"That hacker, I paid him massive amounts of money to train me in the art of hacking. I finally learned and I started hacking the same kinds of things you did, so you would notice me. I never planned to steal anyone's information, just make it seem like I was going too. That's why I hacked MeTube." 606 told me.

"I did notice you didn't take any information when you hacked into MeTube which actually kind of confused me," I replied. I was so confused right now... 606 is a girl.. 606 is a girl who is in love with me...?

"Yeah, It's all because I wanted to be with you. And here you are! Finally..." 606 hugs me again. This time I hug her back. 606 stops hugging me and stands up. She grabs my hand and gently pulls be outside. Her house was a three-story house with a balcony on the roof. And that's where she took me. It was dark out now, and all you could were the stars and the moon. 606 sat in a chair and I sat in another.

"I'm so glad you are finally here Seven," 606 said as she pushes a strand of hair behind her ear, "I've waited what seems like forever."

I look into 606's light blue eyes. She is perfect. Every single thing about her. The way her eyes sparkle when she's smiling, the way her hair blows softly in a light breeze. No... What am I thinking... 606 is the hacker I have hated for 6 months!

"Six, Why did you do all this. I can't be with you." I stutter.

"Wh... Why Not Seven?" 606 asks. Her face has turned into a sad pout. Damn... She's even beautiful when she is sad.

"I'm a hacker... My life is private. You knowing my real name is bad. I'm not a person Six, I don't get to have a life." I explain, "I am here to hack, and I can't risk anyone else getting hurt with my work."

"Seven... I'm a hacker too. I put myself in danger already. There's nothing too lose. We can be together." 606 says, "It's the perfect opportunity, we can-"

"Six no!" I interrupt, "You can still go, live a life of your own, be a normal person living a normal life. I don't want to drag you into this life. Just go and be happy."

"Seven! You don't understand. I love you! And I know you love me too. We were meant to be together. You felt it too! That feeling when you walked in and we stared at each other. That's love!" 606 continues, "I don't care how dangerous you are! I love you Seven!"

"Six... I love you too... but I can't... We can't... It wouldn't work..." I start before I am interrupted by Six leaning forward and kissing me. At first, I am surprised, but then I kiss her back. But only for a second, before I pull away from her lips, "Six! I'm leaving! And you are going to stay here and forget about this! This never happened. We never met. Go and live a normal life!"

I leave her sitting there, with the saddest expression I have ever seen, tears coming to her eyes. I walk down the stairs to her safe, quickly crack it open, take my gun, and drive back home.

"What the f**k even is my life..?" I say before collapsing onto my bed and falling asleep.

707 x Hacker 606Where stories live. Discover now