1. Before the beginning

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Yoongi sat in his room playing with his kuamamon stuffie while sucking on his paci that he had gotten himself while they were on vacation a few monthes ago. It was bright pastle pink with the word awww written on it in the middle with black. He had been in his room for the last two days and the boys were getting worried sick about him. He had slipped into little space so he locked himself in his room to hide it from the other members.

Tomorrow was the day that they were supposed to go back to work and get a song produced. More speciffically, Yoongi had to produce a whole song by himself, the others had already started theirs. This caused him to stress out and slip into little space. He couldn't think of anything for his up and coming song.


Yoongi had dropped his paci out of his mouth while trying to reach his coloring books on the top shelf. They spilled all over the floor and onto of his other stuffies. Yoongis eyes stared to fill up with tears. He wanted his paci back. This was too much for him to handle, he didn't care if anyone heard him at this point, he just wanted his pacifier back.

He fell to the floor and started crying his eyes out. All he wanted was to be held, have his paci back, and to be taken cared of right this minute. The boys out in the living room heard a loud thud from Yoongis room and crying. Jin jumped up and ran to his door with the others following close behind.

"Yoongi? Yoongi open up, are you okay? What happened?"

Yoongi could hear all of them but only choose to cry louder. At this point Taehyung told Namjoon to bust his door so they could get to him. When he got on the other side yoongi was laying on his back in his baby blue oversized sweater that reached his lower thighs, and a pair of white thigh high socks that had duck print on them.

His face was stained with tear streaks and deep red cheeks from embarrassment. He was still crying but a little quiter now. The boys stood in shock from what they saw before them, all of the stuffies and coloring books scattered everywhere.

"pwease gimme paci" yoongi stuttered out in between his crying spells. Jungkook looked over and saw his paci, he picked it up and placed it into Yoongis mouth. Almost immediatly, Yoongi stopped crying and sat up and moved around until he was in criss cross position. He grabbed one of his stuffies and sat it in his lap and looked up at the boys before him. Jungkook was knealing before him since he put his paci in his mouth for him. Namjoon spoke up first.

"Maybe we should go out into the living room and talk, Yoongi baby we'll be right back stay here ok?"

"Otay, me pway wif stuffies." Yoongi lisped behind his paci. The boys walked back out into the living room and sat down.

" So what was that?" Jimin asked. "Why was he wearing such bright colors? Yoongi wears dark colors, what the heck?" Jin stated. Jungkook taehyung and j-hope just stayed quiet.

"Its called little space" Namjoon said, " It's completly normal you guys, but do you want me to explain it?" Everyone in the group chorused back with a yes.

"Okay so pretty much when someone gets too stressed or something triggers them, they fall into a child like state of mind called little space. They talk, dress, act, and behave just like how a child would, there is different ages that they can regress to depending on the severity of what happened. In some situations, they may forget about what happened while they are in this space and other times they might. Some times they choose to call their caregivers certain names such as relationship names, cute nicknames or names such as papa and daddy."

"So does that mean we're his caregivers?" Taehyungh asked.

"That's up to yoongi"

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