3. Dinner and Decisions

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        Once everyone sat down, Jin took the bottle out of the microwave and checked to make sure it wasn't too hot. He placed the bottle next to Namjoons water since he was sitting on his lap. After everyone seated, they took their food and put it on their plates and started eating, well, everyone except Yoongi and Namjoon. Yoongi looked down at the food on his plate.

"Oh, do you want me to feed you suga?" Namjoon asked sweetly.

Yoongi hmmmed in response.

"Use your big words and manners Yoongi." Namjoon said.

"Yesh pwease."Yoongi answered. He waited patiently for his food to be put in his mouth. As Namjoon twirled some noodles on the fork and cut some off because they were too long for his little mouth. Everyone watched as he placed the fork into Yoongis mouth.

As Yoongi finished chewing it, Jimin asked if he could do it. Namjoon handed the colorful fork over to Jimin as Yoongi reached for his noodles on the plate and grabbed a fist full. Taehyung noticed this and reached over and took the noodles out of his hand and cleaned it so it wasn't sticky anymore.

Jimin places the fork full of noodles in his mouth and by then everyone one was done eating. Expect Yoongi. J-hope washed the dishes as Namjoon and Jimin kept feeding the little. Once Yoongi ate pretty much the whole plate, Namjoon took him into the kitchen to wash his hands. Jin and Jungkook came in and watched as Namjoon lifted Yoongi up onto the counter and put soap on his hands and put the water to warm.

Once Yoongi was done washing his hands he got put back down on the floor and went running to the living room because he left his blankie in there. The three chased after him and were yelling at him to be careful and slow down. Yoongi was about to turn around the corner when he ran into something hard. Taehyung wrapped his arms around the little so he didn't fall since he ran into his chest and nearly fell over.

"Careful Yoongi, we don't want you getting hurt now do we? Lets go sit down okay." He said as he guided the little over to where he was sitting the first time he cane into the living room. Yoongi grabbed his blankie from off the floor and sat comfortably on the couch with his blankie halfway in his mouth.

"We should wait and see if he's big tomorrow and if so, we can discuss what's going to happen from now on. For tonight we should just watch a movie." Namjoon said.

"So does that mean Yoongi gets to pick it?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes he does." Namjoon said and looked over at Yoongi who just looked over with big eyes.

"uh, watch hewwo kitty?" Yoongi squeaked out.

"Alright, hello kitty it is." Jimin said as J-hope grabbed the remote and put on hello kitty. Their movie watching lasted until 11 at night. Yoongi was half asleep on Jin a lap with his feet curled up in a fetal position.

"Time for bed guys. We can talk about everything in the morning, i'll put him to bed." Namjoon said and everyone groaned since they didn't want to move. As Namjoon got up off the floor, Jin went to get up too. Yoongi stirred slightly in his sleep but didn't wake. Phew, jin thought as Namjoon lifted Yoongi up and carried him towards his room.

Once they arrived at his room, Namjoon took him into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. Namjoon was about the hand Yoongi his toothbrush when he noticed it had kumamon on it. After they finished with that and got him into bed, Yoongi reached out to Namjoon.

"Stowy?" Yoongi half whispered.

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