5. Duckies and Turtles

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"Oooh does dat mean baf time! Can I has duckies and tuwtles!

Everyone looked down at the little with the marshmallow slathered all over his hands and face.

The little was looking up at his new caregivers with doe eyes and a small smile on his face. They decided amongst themselves that it would be dumb if they all gave him a bath at once so they set up a schedule that everyother day a member of the group would give him a bath. The order went;


So this meant that today, Taehyung would be the first one to help the little bath. While the boys had taken their sweet time in deciding, Yoongi crawled over to Jin and sat between his legs playing with the olders pant leg. Jin noticed.

"Since we know the order, why don't we have Taehyung give him his bath and then we can make a chart for it to remember." Jin said.

"While they're doing that, we can come up with some ideas for rules, rewards and punishments since I can tell those are already going to be needed." Namjoon stated while sitting down on the couch.

"Okay, come here baby, come to Tae." Taehyung said to Yoongi as he reached down to pick him up. The little lifted his arms towards the 'older' and giggled. Everyone in the living room cooed at the adorableness sitting in front of them. Yoongi rarely giggled like this infront of the other members.

"Uppsies Taetae!!" Yoongi lightly yelled as Taehyung lifted him onto his hip and walked out of the room with the maknae looking at him with defeat,they had wanted to bathe him first. Once the pair got out of the living room, Taehyung went into Yoongi's room with him still in his hold.

"What do you wanna wear baby?" Taehyung asked the little.

"I wan Jinnie's pwink sweatew cuz it weally big on me!" Yoongi clapped his hands together with happiness as Taehyung took him into Jin's room to find the requested outfit. Back when they were still in Yoongi's room he had grabbed him a pair of boxers and some cute socks with turtles on them. They headed into the bathroom and shut the door behind them. As Taehyung started the water, Yoongi was sat on the counter playing with the hoodie on him with his sticky marshmallow hands. Once Taehyung got the water just right, he added bubbles into the water and let it rise up. He turned around to Yoongi.

"Do you need help getting undressed pumpkin?" Tae asked the little.

"Yesh pwease..." Yoongi lightly said. Taehyung lifted the hoodie off of Yoongi and revealed his chest. Taehyung lifted him off of the counter and turned around.

"Taetae helpie...I can't do it." Yoongi softly whispered while tugging on Taehyungs shirt. Taehyung turned around and whispered back,

"If you get shy and want me to stop or turn around at any time you can tell me okay baby?" Tae softly said to the little who was blushing from the softness coming out with Tae's deep voice.

"Okie, I can do dat." Yoongi said. Taehyung pulled Yoongi's pants off for him which left Yoongi standing in his black and purple boxers. As he reached for his boxers Yoongi stopped him for a second,

"Taetae close eyes? Yoongi too shy..." Yoongi said to Taehyung who smiled and closed his eyes. He took the boxers off of him and threw them into the hamper. He could hear Yoongi sit down into the water.

"Cover your special places there Prince, so I can open my eyes."

"Oh yeah, all done, Taetae can lookie now." Yoongi said from the tub. He had bubbles covering him everywhere and was playing with the duck and turtle toys. Taehyung began washing with little. He washed his back and his chest, his feet and his arms. He got the Strawberry sprinkle shampoo as well as the conditioner out and washed Yoongi's hair. After about an hour of bath time Taehyung decided it was time to get out.

"Nu, I wan pway more." Yoongi said as he splashed his hands in the tub. Taehyung leaned over towards the towel rack to grab him a towel. As he did so Yoongi splashed water on Taehyung. He erupted in a fit of giggles, Taehyung looked back at the little and then down at his soaked clothes.

"Baby, you got me all wet."

"Oopsies" Yoongi said as he continued playing with the water and bubbles. Taehyung let the water drain out as the smaller let out a dissatisfied groan. Taehyung lifted the little out of the water and wrapped the towel around him and dried him off. As he was helping Yoongi get his socks on while he was playing with the long sleeves of Jin's sweater.

"Ready?" Taehyung asked. Before he could answer Tae, Jimin rushed in with a smile on his face.

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