4. Bedtimes and Alarm clocks

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"Stowy?" yoongi half whispered.

"If I tell you a story will you go to sleep for me Yoongi?" Namjoon joon asked him.

"Yesh" Yoongi said in response with a small smile on his face.

"Okay. Once upon a time there was a little hippo who was swimming in a lake with his hippo friends. The littlest hippo asked his mommy why his brother took away his toy. The mother hippo told the littlest hippo that his brother had to give him back his toy. So the little hippo told his brother that mom said to give it back. Since the mommy hippo and taught them to share and to be kind and use manners all the time. The hippo gave his brother back his toy and they played together and had fun till it was time to go home. So the family of hippos went home with smiles on their faces because they knew how to be nice as use their mannners." Namjoon finished the story and looked down at Yoongi who was sleeping and softly snoring with his lips parted.

"Goodnight babyboy." Namjoon said to the little and kissed his forehead and left the room. By then everyone was in bed and asleep. Namjoon headed to his room and fell asleep in his clothes on his bed since it was midnight now.

It exactly 8 am, Jimins alarm clock went off and everyone in the dorm could hear and and jumbled into his room and tackled his alarm clock to shut it up. By then everyone was awake and piled on top of one another. Everyone headed out into the living room since they could talk about Yoongis little space since they could tell he was in big space now. He despised mornings.

"Hyung, do you remember last night?" Jungkook asked.

"A little bit, not all of it. I remember seeing all of your guys rooms and getting fed and a story being told before i fell asleep." Yoongi stated.

"So that means you know we know about your little space correct?" Jin said.

"Yeah, does it bother you guys? If it does i'll stop, I don't want to bother you with my stupidness."Yoongi said with glossy eyes. Part of his eyes were not showing any emotion.

"No don't stop we love it, we love little Hyung." J-hope yelled out. But everyone agreed with him of course.

"Yoongi we don't want you to not be little. We actually want to be your caregivers or at least until you either pick one or more of us to be your main or if you pick a main caregiver and still want the others to care for you." Namjoon said to his hyung.

Yoongis face lit up like a star. He was so excited that he nearly passed out. In fact, he did, well, fainted more like. The boys rushed over to him.

"Yoongi hyung are you okay? Wake up. Someone get some water. Hyung!" The group yelled to each other. Yoongi's eyes fluttered open while they were crowded around him.

"Not hyung..." Yoongi said as he laid on the couch since he fainted there. Everyone looked at each other and Namjoon got a wide grin on his face and looked over at Jungkook who called him it.

"Guess you finally get to address one of us without using honorifics." Namjoon said to Jungkook who smiled like a bunny rabbit. Little Yoongi noticed this and giggled.

"Kookie issa bunny wabbit!!" Yoongi basically yelled. All the members cooed at the littles adorableness and were taking a million pictures of the scene before them. Jimin was tickling Yoongi to the point where Jin had to make him stop so the poor boy could breathe. By now it was around noon all the boys wanted food and they were bothering Jin since he made pretty much all of the food for the group.

"Yah, leave my kitchen alone before you break it Namjoon. I swear i'll kill you." Jin yelled to Namjoon in the kitchen making the little a sandwich since all the others were 'too busy' to help Yoongi get food.

"Oh hush Jin i'm fine I'm almost done anyways. See I didn't need your help." Namjoon yelled out before stepping out into the living room with a peanut butter, jelly and marshmallow sandwich with the crust cut off.

Yoongi who was currently sitting on the older's lap playing with his hoodie strings. The hoodie was Jung-kook's so it was overly large on the smaller boy. Jungkook preferred to wear his hoodies with room to move so he could dance, so the room left for the little in the hoodie was almost 3 times his size because he's a muscle pig. 

"Mashmewwo?!  Gimme Gimme." Yoongi bounced on his hyungs lap and reached up towards Namjoon.

"Yoongi, use your manners or you're not going to get any marshmallows. Now, what do you say if you want something baby boy?" Jin softly said to to the boy sitting on his lap. Namjoon waited for the 'older' to say the magic words before he gave the food to the little. 

"... pwease Jinnie , can I has the mashmewwo's pweaseeee." Yoongi lightly said and ended up whining the last part earning a smirk from the older.

"Okay, but don't make a big mess baby." Namjoon answered for Jin setting the plate down in front of the little and sitting down next to Jin on the couch. Yoongi quickly grabbed the sandwich and took a bite out of it and munched the sandwich till it was gone. He looked up at Jimin who walked into the living room.

"Aww, our pumpkin has marshmallow all over his face. You need a bath mister." As soon as Jimin said that, the maknae line came tumbling in with smiles on their faces.

"We wanna help Hyung please let us." Pretty much all of the maknaes yelled at once. 

"Oooh does dat mean baf time! Can I has duckies and tuwtles!

Everyone looked down at the little with the marshmallow slathered all over his hands and face.

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