Chapter 52

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As soon as school let out on Friday afternoon, Clay made it home in record time to finish the last bit of his homeowrk that he wasn't able to finish during school hours. The teenager didn't have that much work left to complete, so he knew it wouldn't take him very long to do. When Olivia and Lainie had talked about the two-day trip earlier on in the week, the boy's mother almost instantly agreed to the idea when she found out where the Bakers and Clay would be spending the weekend. Since they wanted to keep the location a secret from their daughter's boyfriend for as long as they could, Lainie had offered to pack some things in a suitcase for her son while he was at school so that the group of four could head out as soon as possible on Friday.

After about half an hour or so, the 19-year-old heard some voices begin talking downstairs. Almost a minute later, the sound of multiple footsteps neared his bedroom as they bounded up the stairs and down the hallway. Accompanying the excited footsteps, panting could be heard as well when the sounds got closer. Turning around in his desk chair, the Jensen boy smiled when he saw Indy excitedly enter his bedroom with Hannah comimg in behind him and stopping near the doorway. "Hey, Indy." The teen greeted as the pup enthusiasticly jumped up on him in greeting and appeared content when Clay began petting him. "You ready, Helmet?" The boy's girlfriend asked as she entered his room a little bit more. Glancing up, the boy flashed her a smile while he still pet the dog that was happily propped up on his knee, enjoying the attention he was getting. "Yeah. I'm ready." The Jensen teen said as he geltly nudged the dog off of his leg before standing up and walking over to the Baker girl. Once he was in front of her, the boy wrapped his arms around her waiste, and Hannah replied by wrapping her own arms around her boyfriend's neck. "Let me guess. You're still not going to clue me in on where we're going for the weekend?" He asked with a knowing look on his face. Hannah smiled as she pretended to think about it for a second. "Nope. Sorry, Helemet." She replied, giving the boy a smirk. "I thought so." He simply said, brushing it off. Smiling to himself, the 19-year-old closed the space between them. "At least I get to spend the next two days with my girlfriend." He said, making the Baker girl blush at his words. As a response, Hannah pulled the boy back in for another, longer kiss. After a few minutes, the two broke away smiling brightly before the couple began making their way back downstairs with Indy casually trailing behind them.

Coming into the kitchen, the 19-year-old saw Andy and Olivia sitting at the circular table as they talked with his parents and Allison while they patiently waited. The older Baker woman was smiling brightly as she enteracted with the 1-year-old who sat in Allison's lap. Taking notice of the new presence in the room, everyone turned their attention to the two teenagers as they entered. Seeing them, Andy stood from his chair with a bright, excited smile. "Alright. We ready to hit the road?" He asked his daughter and her boyfriend. "I think we are." Hannah replied as the boy standing next to her nodded his head in agreement. "Alright then. We better head out, because we'll be on the road for a couple of hours." Olivia said as she stood up and moved to stand beside her husband, an equally excited smile on her face as well.

After taking a few minutes to say goodbye to his parents, Allison, and Harley for the weekend, Andy, Olivia, Hannah, and Clay all climbed into the large black car that patiently waited for them on the side of the road. Being that their little road trip would take some time, the older woman had taken it upon herself to pack a couple of snacks and some drinks for the ride. The Jensen boy still had no clue where he and his girlfriend's family were going, and no one was offering up any information to him or at least giving him small hints as to what the location of the trip was. To help pass some time, Hannah had packed her laptop and some movies that she and Clay could watch together. So after they had been on the road for a good chunk of the time, Hannah had suggested the idea of watching a movie. When the 19-year-old saw that some movie options were Disney ones, he wasn't surprised one bit due to knowing that his girlfriend was a fan of the Disney franchise. If he were being honest, the teenager couldn't argue much, as he had his own secret love for the Disney franchise as well.

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