Chapter 87

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Following the news of Montgomery's prison escape, the Evergreen County police had been doubling down a lot. The officers set up barriers at the edge of town so that Monty had no chance of skipping town if he planned to do so. The cops had also set up search groups who would be on the lookout for an escapee hiding in wooded areas, or really anywhere in the small area of Crestmont. A few police choppers had also taken to the air, using spotlights to help out in searching for the escaped inmate.

While all this was going on, kids were advised to stay indoors or at least stay with parents at all times out in public until the matter was taken care of. Being nervous that something could very well happen in the middle of the night, Lainie brought up the suggestion of having Clay and Justin camp out in the living room until things were resolved. But Justin had been really reassuring when he politely declined the idea, stating that he and her son would be ok since they shared the living space, and that they would both look out for each other, especially during this time. The Foley teen's words had been enough to convince the worried mother as she agreed to let them stay in their new room, just as long as they would check in every morning and come to her or Matt if something were to ever happen.

While cops were driving or roaming around the town in search of Montgomery de la Cruz, the inmate was a pretty smart teenager. He was smart enough not to go straight home after his successful escape, and he was smart enough to stay hidden and not go wandering around the town. He also had swapped out his prison orange outfit for a dark green shirt and dark brown pants to help him blend in a bit with his wooded surroundings. Monty made do with what he had or could find out here on his own. He, surprisingly with ease, made himself a small shelter that didn't look big enough to drag attention to it. The boy had already figured out how to make a fire so that he could be kept warm at night, but he made sure that the fire's light would be decently hidden from any walking trails that just might be anywhere close. Though, the teenager did take precautions in making sure that he was settled deep in the forested area where he was staying - far enough away from the edge of the wooded area so the dense treeline would work in his favor by helping to keep him hidden from the citizens of the small town of Crestmont in Evergreen County.

Nowadays, when it comes to school, Clay and Justin would drive to and from there together, or they would end up carpooling with their friends to and from Liberty High. Work-wise, Clay would always drive to the local theater with Hannah to start their shifts, or he and Justin would drive together to Monet's, usually picking up Skye when all three of their shifts lined up. This was just another precaution, because, if one of the teens were to drive alone somewhere, who knows what could end up happening with Monty on the loose? Though, it's possible that the escaped inmate is smart enough not to pull something off in broad daylight with a bunch of other people around. It certainly is true that you can never be too careful in nerve wracking times like these.

With the news about Monty, the 19-year-old had started having nightmares about him again. Back when he walked in on Monty raping his best friend, he used to have nightmares about that, but, overtime, they slowly faded away. Now, with the inmate making a return, his nightmares about that night were doing the same. But so were new nightmares. This time around, Clay's nightmares included what happened to Tyler based on the Down boy's description of the horrible event. But the nightmares were also about what Momty might do if he came after him or his friends. Sometimes, in the nightmares, the escapee would kidnap Clay, tie him up, and make him watch helplessly as he sexually assaulted Skye and Tyler again. Other times, the nightmares consisted of the Jensen teen being attacked, himself, and oftentimes even killed by an angered Montgomery de la Cruz. All-in-all, these terrifying dreams didn't help one bit. The only thing they really did was make the blue-eyed teen even more paranoid than he already was, if that's even possible.

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