Chapter 1

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I was just 15 when I broke my leg. It was a devastation moment in my life. Here how it all happened let me tell u the story on how I broke my legs.

(Two years of go in December)

It was the year of 1999 I was getting ready for the annual Christmas Parade Dance Competition.

"Alright guys get going and do some warm-ups!" My dance instructor instructed us.

What's weird about me is I'm the only black girl on the dance team and all the ready are white girls.

Everyone went into their position including me and started warming up.

My family adopted me from India. Any ways while I was doing my stretches this boy came up to me ( the boy was the dance teacher son) the boy said," Are you from Africa?" I told the boy,"no I'm from India but I would like to go to Africa someday." After Mrs. Holly called everyone to meet, a girl pushed me and said, "Go back to Africa nigger!" My face was boiling red at the moment, but I stopped and calmed down.

"Rue! Hurry up." The dance instructor called for me.

"Rue? More like Rue21!" Two girls teased and giggled.

For me Dance was everything but being the only black girl in the class that everyone else knew or think was African- Americans was kind of hard. I can see all of them as Asians but at least I don't tease them about their culture and nationality.

"Girls, you need to dance like you mean it, thousands of people will be watching you and if you don't try, everyone will think you didn't practice.

"So grab a partner," Mrs. Holly instructed.

I glanced around staring at all the girls grabbing themselves a partner.

For me nobody wanted to be my partner so I had to partner up with the teacher's Son. Don't get me wrong he was an excellent dancer but to me where I am he's more of an advanced expert than me.

Tomorrow was going to be the day where everything was going to go down.

We get to the stage seeing thousands of people.

I see my parents and my little brother and sister rooting for me.

"Carol of the Bell" song starts as we dance, I feel a pain in my leg as I see the other asian girls dance. I collapsed down the floor.

One Last Time To Dance Where stories live. Discover now