Chapter 3

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Sweeney's POV

When myself and Mrs Lovett left the bakehouse I just went straight to my shop, not saying anything to the boy or... Nellie.
I walked up the old wooden stairs, making a creek at each step I took.
I opened the door and was taken back when I saw the "lad" that saw me kill The Judge. & Lucy.
"You should of left lad" I said walking towards "him" going for my razor.
As I got closer.  I small voice spoke out from him.... "Please sir, I'm no lad. I'm... Johanna"
She took off her hat to reveal beautiful long yellow hair.
I instantly stood back, I couldn't believe this was my Johnathan. My god I threatened her, she saw what I did.
"Johnna my dear... I ... I'm sorry I did not know I... " I was cut off
"Thank  you sir, I don't care who you are, but you killed the man who I've been frightened of my whole life. So thank you"
She gave me a smile, even though I was kinda was covered in blood still....
"That is no problem dear, I had so many reasons to"
I needed to tell her about everything now, otherwise I'd just regret it.
"Why did you not like him sir?"
She asked curiously
"Well, there was a barber and his wife..."

I explained everything and Johnna just looked so sad and lost. Until she just threw herself into  arms.
"Dad, you're my dad"
She said with tears in her,
I hugged her back very tightly. 15 years worth of hugging.
She pulled back and looked up at me .
"My dear Johanna, Let me clean up here and we can have a proper chat. Go downstairs to Mrs Lovett say who you are and that you know about everything. I'll be down as soon I've cleaned up"
I said holding cupping her face In my hand

She smiled up at me and gave me another quick hug, before heading for the door.

She turned back before leaving and said "I love you dad"
Before I could reply she was gone.

I really couldn't believe how well that went, I thought she'd never want to see me again, would be terrified of me.
She wasn't though, and I wasn't going to start questioning it, I didn't have Lucy. But I had my daughter back.
I smiled to myself, then took of my bloody clothes, throwing them into a pile.
I cleaned myself up a-bit as my face, hair and arms was covered in blood. After that I got into to some new clothes. Just the usual, white shirt, braces and a waistcoat, . I kept the same trousers and shoes on as they weren't covered by blood.
I looked round my shop to see it was still obviously covered in blood, but I wasn't going to do any of that tonight. I needed to talk with Johnna.
Nellie will clean it tomorrow I thought to myself, maybe I could actually. It was my mess after all and she dose so much already....
I snapped outta my thoughts and went straight downstairs, feeling the most happy I'd been In a long time.

AHHHH Sweeney happy?
What do you think about Johnna not hating her father.

There's gonna be a lil bit of Sweenett In the next chapter btw ;)

Gonna be hopefully updating soooooon.

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