Chapter 7

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A week had gone by now all the kids knew about Sweeney & Nellie and they were all so happy for them.
Sweeney hadn't killed as many people as well. Nellie had enough money to buy proper meat for the pies now so she didn't need human meat, but of course he couldn't just completely stop.

Both Nellie and Sweeney were in there shops working, they both were having lots of customers.

All the kids were also helping Mrs Lovett with the shop, Sweeney was the only one who knew how to shave so he worked alone, which he preferred anyway, he didn't want anyone getting in his way. Although maybe having someone help him sweep up hair and stuff would be nice he thought to himself.

Sweeney was sitting in his barbers chair, waiting for his next customer. While wait he got thinking about Nellie and how much he truly loved her. Then outta nowhere he quickly got up and went out of his shop and locked up.

Nellie saw Sweeney running down his stairs, going somewhere, she had no idea where though. She thought about going after him to if he was alright but she didn't In the end.

It had been 3 hours since Sweeney went off and he was still not back. The pieshop was quite busy that day but finally they ran outta pies so Nellie put the sign to soldout, leaving only the remaining customers to finish their foods.

After closing up the kids cleaned up to give Nellie a rest but she couldn't rest, Sweeney was still not back.

She started pacing back and forth in the pie shop until Johanna said something.
"You're starting to act like my dad doing all that pacing" she said jokingly

Nellie stopped pacing.
She laughed a little. "Oh bloody hell, I am. See he's got me doing this, just going out and me not knowing where he is"

Johanna gave a kind smile, "I'm sure he'll be ok mum"
Nellie just thought about what she just said.
"I'm sorry miss, I didn't mean to"

"Oh no dear, I don't mind at all call me mum if you like, I looked after you when you were a baby I guess"

Johanna hugged Mrs Lovett.
"Thank you...mum"

And Johanna walked off but before leaving she said "if you're worried go find him"

She wanted to but if she did and Sweeney knew about he'd definitely rip her for it, about how she was worried and he's a grown man and she didn't need to worry.

But she didn't care, she just couldn't rest otherwise. She was just about to leave to go looking and that's when the door flung open and In came Sweeney.

He had a smile on his face until he saw Nellie looking kinda angry with her hands on her hips

"Hey Nell I.. she cut him off

"Don't you Nell me Mr Sweeney Todd, where an earth have you been. Do you know what I've been doing, pacing bloody pacing because I didn't have a clue where you were"

"You were worried about me" he said with a little smirk.
"Don't start thinking you can start that charm on me, it won't work" Nellie replied trying to be stubborn.
"Okay then, guess I won't tell you where I've been" he replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh wait no I want to bloody know"

Sweeney just didn't replied and kinda walked fast past her going up to his shop, obviously knowing Nellie would follow him but that's what he intended to happen.

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