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*Emma's POV*

I helped Luke down the stairs, and out to the car. He sat down in the passenger seat, "They at Ashton's?" I ask. "Yeah" he replied. I drove to Ashton's as we got there I locked the car and ran around the Luke's side. Helping him out of the car, "maybe I should go explain what happened before you come in.". Luke had a black eye, a scratched up face, not to mention his arms where covered in black and blue from him trying to protect his face. "Yeah maybe.." He said. We walked up to the front door me still helping Luke walk around, we reached Ash's front door. I opened it and we headed to the practice room. Luke leaned up against the wall next to the door of the practice room. "So a couple nights ago something happened to Luke, he was walking home and he got mugged. He was really beat up and was passed out for a day, so he's pretty beat up." I explained. I got a bunch of odd looks from the boys they probably didn't understand. They would in a second, I walked around the corner. Luke swung his arm around me, using me to support him. If I wasn't there I swear he would have fallen over, we walked into the room again. "Holy shit, Luke." Yelled Michael. "She said you got mugged but this is not what I expected." Said Ashton. "You look like shit."exclaimed Calum. "Thanks I appreciate it guys." He laughed. "Are you okay?" Said a worried Ashton. "I'll be fine, I wouldn't though if it want for this little lady." He said poking me from under his arm. In that moment Ash walked over to me and grabbed Luke's other side, while Calum and Michael cleared a spot on the couch. Ashton helped me get to the couch, after all it was pretty hard. Imagine having the weight of a giraffe man on your shoulders it's pretty hard. We sat him down on the couch, I plopped down next to him. Placing my head on his shoulder, to be honest I was exhausted. It wasn't late but I had stayed up the night before until like 4 in the morning worrying about Luke now today I spent lugging the giant to places. "So tell me Luke what happened." Michael begged. Luke started to tell the story, I closed my eyes resting. I heard everything the boys were saying, I just wasn't responding or moving. I was very comfy, and very happy to have Luke back, sure he didn't look the same but it was still him. The boys helped Luke back to the car for me considering I was so tired, Luke was regaining his balance and he claimed it was getting less painful to walk. He got out of the car, stumbling around, I grabbed him. "Luke let me help you." I whined. He looked at me and smiled "Sorry Princess, I just don't wanna hurt you.". "You won't." I said. I held him hand for balance as that was all he needed right now, he sat on the couch. "Lay down, it's 8 o'clock. You are really tired, I can tell so take a nap". He put a pillow in his lap, and patted it motioning me to lay down. I laid down across the couch, putting my head on the pillow in Luke's lap. He put his hand on my waist, I closed my eyes and my mind took over. Dreaming and running free, as I slept.

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