Chapter 13

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Waking up to the feel of loving kisses being placed gently on my cheeks I smile with my eyes still shut. Today we were going to Bora Bora, and I could hardly wait to be there with Ryder by my side. 

"Time to wake up." He says still placing kisses on my cheek. I can feel his stubbly and scratchy facial hair graze against my lower cheek.

I giggle, "I am awake." 

"Then open your eyes." He demands playfully.

I open them to find him holding a small box in his hand in front of me, "I got you something."

I look at him with furrowed brows. What else could he possibly get me that wasn't more amazing than taking me to Bora Bora.

I take the box into my hands and look up at him before opening it, "You got me a bracelet?" I ask with watery eyes.

He nods, "Yeah. Look at the charms." He grins happily. 

Upon looking more closely at the charms, I find three that really stand out to my eyes. One being a really small replica of the elevator we met in. The second one being the words I said in said elevator, "He's kinda a dick.". and the third one being the one thing that holds all of the charms together, and that being his belt. 

I look up at him with a single tear falling down my cheek, "I love it." 

He smiles at me and kisses my lips hard, "Get ready, we leave in 5 minutes." 

I feel my heart skip as I grow to know we are to leave very soon. I'd never been to such an exotic place ever in my life. 

I crawl out of bed and quickly grab my jeans and shirt, throwing them on before sliding my feet into my shoes. Running into the bathroom and fixing my hair, I check to make sure I look at least decent before heading into the living room where Ryder is waiting for me.

"Are you ready baby?" He grins.

I bite my lip to the sound of his voice, "Yes sir."

Walking out to the car along side Ryder, we both get into the back seat. A stupidly happy and giddy smile on my face the whole time.

Ryder closes his door after he gets in and looks at me, "Are you excited?" He asks me with a chuckle.

I nod happily, "I'm really happy actually." I say looking into his eyes, my eyes watery with so much happiness.

He squints his eyes at me, looking at me closely. "Are you crying?"

"Maybe a little," I rub my eyes, "It's just that.. No one has ever been so, caring and loving to take me anywhere." I say with a crackle in my voice.

He looks down at the floor of the car as it begins moving, "Casey, I'd do anything and everything in my power to make you this happy every given day that I have with you." He grabs my hand pulling it up to his mouth and kissing it softly.

I choke down the tears, "How could you say all this and do all this, when I've been nothing but rotten towards you." I sniffle, trying to hold back tears.

His eyes meet mine, "Casey.. I could lose everything and be broke, and still give you everything I had. I.. I love you. I've never told any girl that and meant it like I do when I say it to you. Your the only thing I can't live without." He looks up at me after saying all of this, his dark blue eyes now slightly red.

"Are you crying?" I tease as he did just a few moments ago.

He smiles big and clears his throat, "No, just got something in my eye." 

As he is looking out the window of the moving car, he has my hand and is holding it tightly. I stare at him for a long while.

He truly meant every word he said just then. He almost shed a tear as well, and he rarely ever cries. This man would do anything for me, and to be totally honest with myself, I'd do the same for him. 

After a very long plane ride, we arrive at the most beautiful place I had ever placed my eyes upon.  Making sure to take in the amazing smell of saltwater and beach and watching the clear water below. 
I stare for a long moment, thinking to myself how did I get so lucky to be able to do all these things with the man who I love.

I look over my shoulder at Ryder who is pulling our luggage out of the plane. I giggle to myself at how he drops one of the bags onto his foot.

"Let me help." I say walking over to him and grabbing some things out of his hands.
At the same time that I reach to take the bag from him, my phone begins to ring.

He grins, "take it. It must be important." Then he turns away to grab the last bag.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and look down at it, still ringing. The number is unknown, but I answer it anyways.

"Hello?" I ask, holding it to my ear.

"Step away from your boyfriend." A mans voice demands.
I look around to only see Ryder and the pilot. and no one else around us.

"Who is this?.." I question the strange man over the phone.

"If you want him and your precious aunt to live. You'll do as I say, sweetheart."

My heart skips a beat. Who is this man and what does he want. And how does he know my aunt..
"What do you want from me?" I say in a panicked state.

The man chuckles and coughs as if he had been smoking for 10 years, " I want you to be mine but I can't have you until he is out of the picture." he pauses and my heart sinks more.
"Tonight at midnight you will meet with someone on the shore of the island. And if you don't then you can say bye-bye to Ryder and your aunt.. Got it?" He says with more force and demand.

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