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maths was boring, to jihoon maybe but on the other side?

well you can say that taehyung was a big fan of numbers, radical signs, equations and all that algebra calculus shit

seated at the front of the class, he was very attentive, not wanting to miss any words that came out of his professor's mouth. this is why he hated waiting for jihoon

he was always having guanlin over all the time and he was always the reason why he kept waking up late

focusing on the lecture, taehyung got hit by a balled up piece of paper, rolling his eyes, he knew exactly who sent it.

none other than the devil himself, park jihoon

he turned around and gave the boy a quick glare before turning back to open the paper and continue listening to whatever mr. wang was babbling about

taehyung secretly opened the note as quietly as he can, confusion filled his thoughts as he read the letter

tae, there's this boy named jeongguk, wanna hook up with him?

taehyung raises a brow in curiousity and confusion. jihoon, knowing it would trigger the older, smiled to himself feeling victorious. taehyung was like a cat, his curiosity would always be his priority, hopefully it won't end up getting him killed

the bell rang, indicating it was already time for break. taehyung took his bag, hung it over his shoulder and glanced over to jihoon's desk, the male soundly sleeping. it was obvious he didn't pay attention in class and hear the morning bell

taehyung makes his way to jihoon's, nearing his location he flicks the snoring boy's head and was welcomed to an annoyed brat, groaning in pain, rubbing his hurt forehead

"what'd you do that for huh?" he asked angrily, very displeased that someone woke him up from his slumber

"it's break you bitch" taehyung snapped, clearly wanting to go eat something

"sheesh you could've just tapped my shoulder or shook me to reality, did you really have to go with the forehead flick" he said irritated, while massaging his forehead. he shoved his blank notes in his bag and his unused pen in his pencil case

"cause you threw me that ball of paper, while mr. wang was briefly discussing about how to get the radius of a circle" taehyung whined walking out with jihoon following behind

"radius fucky fucksious, now did you read the note right?" jihoon asked

"what the fuck is a hook up and who in the world is jeon jeonglebuck"

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