She asked Give me a Kiss

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This was the next day. We were in Clark Quay this night. As usual Lobi, Tucas and third friend were with me. We were all happy and having fun. We sat at a open restaurant and order pizzas margheritta. Tucas and I ordered different drinks. Lobi and third friend settled with the usual regular drink served with Pizza. We were merry and we were having conversations. Loud talk, jokes and laughing. I was the fourth addition in the gang of three.

After dinner we went to the crowded club. There was a long queue. All were waiting for security to let them enter. We also stood in the queue. I was tall so I stood at the end. Due to strict vigil Lobi sensed something and asked me to come in the middle before third friend. Lucas cribbed in German which I understood as Why what happened? Let him stand we are already in long queue and people are standing behind him as well. He might have argued that in case there is an issue we will let him hide between us and should enter the door soon. He reiterated in english to me. Listen friend. I, think, there is a problem inside. They are not letting people in. We don't understand why but in case hide between and us and enter without getting noticed. Don't listen to the security and talk to them. We will push you in circle. Lucas again cribbed in astonishment and asked him to take it easy. You will be us or there won't be any party tonight. We are with you and not going without you. I said thanks bro.

There was a semi clad bald man, with shaved and shining head. He was wearing all kinds of accessories. Earrings, studs in ear lobes, a golden chain hanging from the right earlobe to nose. He was wearing a loin dress and something skimpy. His companion was wearing a black tuxedo. He was opening the velvet rope and closing after each batch.

After waiting a while in silent anticipation our turn came. Tucas held my hand. Third friend pushed me, as Lobi was talking to the Tuxedo security who was asking, for the number of guests. They were like said everything is OK. We were shoving ourselves in. Lobi was covering me from the security for a look and Tucas extended my wrist to them.

Security said you can three of you can go. Sir you please step aside. Hell broke loose. Three of my friends left me behind and crowded the security in tuxedo. They began confronting asking questions why not let him. The Bald guy also joined his companion and said please step aside. Lucas asked Why What's the reason. If we are together and won't leave him alone. They confronted tell me one good reason. The security persons count increased. First Step aside and let other guests move. My friends said No in unison and said we are going inside.

This conundrum was going too hot. So I stepped aside. Now my friends started shouting at the guards. You are, manhandling us, to insinuate. They never touched any of us but they pranked He manhandled me. Lobi shouted. Tucas and third friend shouted Yes Yes. I had to interrupt before anyone would get a bloody nose.

I said Stop. Why are you not letting me in. The friends shouted at me Keep your mouth shut. We're talking let us handle. The security guys sensed this and began concentrating on me. You are not wearing shoes and Pants. Lucas reacted in a raised voice so what he is a gentleman. Look at the other guests. How are they dressed. He pointed to a group of girls in miniskirts. At least my friend's knees covered. I looked down. I said to the security interrupting but I am wearing shoes. Security took a moment. Avoiding to answer verbal duels from other three, he said, "they are sport shoes". I took the charge from my friends. These sneakers are costly. Look at the brand. Lets do it.

I am a gentleman though. Even my socks are covering the ankles. Singapore is too hot for me to wear trousers and I am comfortable in this attire. You should not have a problem. The German friends stopped squabbling with the other security persons. They started arguing my points by saying yes he is right and adding to it. The head security said but we have a dress code for men. We need the gentlemen to have leather shoes and trousers.
German friends had to hear this. They started confronting the security personnel again. At last when I saw its going nowhere.

Black Jack in BaliOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora