Kissing car ride

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The shorter girl said "He's so cheesy"

I said "Shut Up"

I had the audacity and fun, to talk to her, like that. My girlfriend was sitting next to me, in the middle and kissing me.

Earlier my girlfriend while in Clarke Quay had asked me to drop her friend too at which I agreed without fuss.


She was secretive about her identity. I was asking for her mobile number. She hesitated, made an elaborate excuse. I asked to give her international number. She deflected that with a kiss.

I was making guesses about her nationality. Whether she was of Singaporean or Indian descent. Between the kisses I was asking lots of questions. I was trying to understand why she was hesitating to share her details. I was asking and she was lying. Not that there were complete lies but I read her lies.

We were kissing a lot. My hands were behind her and I wrapped her around me. I made sure that my hands should not nudge the Singaporean girl at all. I saw her from my corner of eyes She was not enchanted with our act and looking out of car window.

The roasting and eating thoughts were also racing. What if, keeping my hands, all around in the car ride, she nudged. The hell would break loose. The magical romance, would drop if she incited her friend. I made sure that it didn't occur.

I slid to the left deep into the seat to make room for my girlfriend. With each pull, I was creeping my girlfriend, away from her friend. She was also moved all her weight over me. The more she came closer the more I dug deep towards my window.

The chemistry and passion, lasted after fifteen minutes ride. Her friend wanted her to be with Lim here. I asked the middle aged cab driver, to stop the cab. I waited for both girls to go outside. Then Lim appeared. Two more classmates who happened to be girls were behind Lim. Lim was also in a club not in Clarke Quay. I waited in the car as my girlfriend and her classmate went to meet Lim.


I saw my bottle. It was almost completely filled. I can have a glass or two but this bottle will last for eternity with me. Good for my home shelve. I pushed the bottle into the back seat and patted it. I was watching these girls talking to the boy Lim. I was reading them I learnt from the vibes in their conversation. She was almost screaming short term relationship .

I am not for short term relationship I am thinking long term. But she is student i thought. I can wait. Why not meet her parents tomorrow. Let me ask her address and permission to start dating. Then again I thought if she interested in date why not give the fricking cell number.

What else can I do I can't force her to submit her cell number. I am not going to take advantage of her. She's a college kid. She may marry some rich guy. What his parents would look for her. What does her parents do. A thought came up like draper business. So he might have the cloth business. Good for me. But she is not going to marry me. I am not going to be her first choice. Oh God what should I do.

Son don't take advantage of her.

Let's plan with her. Let's ask about a date in a nice restaurant tomorrow afternoon. I checked my watch II short VI long hand. I was feeling tired and sleepy, My german friends never came on my mind. I was all hers, my girlfriend.

Is she short term girlfriend.

Let's be cheesy and direct and make her long term partner. I was getting bored sitting idle. I started a conversation with the cab driver. He was super silent in his kissing car.

My girlfriend parted with her friends and started coming towards the car. I jumped out of the seat and opened the cab door for her. I looked around. It was almost past midnight but all street lit up. My weariness, switched into, rejuvenating as I held the door for my girlfriend.

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