+ h. lev

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i'm one of the many varsity players that represent our school- nekoma high. and every morning, i jog around the campus to keep my stamina high. this is a usual routine for most of the athletes so i don't really mind being exhausted every morning.

after my daily jog, i would always go to mcdonalds to grab my breakfast. and everyday, i always see a small, petite man ordering the same exact meal everyday.

he always had his hood on, no matter how hot the day was, his hood was up. and he wears a face mask. his eyes seems weak. and though there is only a small part of his face showing, it is obvious that his skin is pale. i am not sure but i bet he is sick. well, he seems sick.

it's been weeks since i started seeing him go to this certain fast food chain. and everyday, we would exchange silent greetings- lightly nodding our heads when we come across each other, and me giving warm smiles towards his direction. i don't remember if he, at least once, returned a smile but it's okay, i don't really mind.

this continued for about a month, we would casually nod at each other every morning.

one time i braved myself and approached him to ask his name. he said it's yaku. we shared a table that morning and had a brief chitchat before he left. he had mentioned that he's been sick for a while now. i forgot what the name is but it was ischemia something.

the next day, i was excited to jog around the campus and have my breakfast at mcdo to meet yaku again but to my disappointment, he wasn't there. i waited until 9am but he didn't come.

i was disheartened.

the next day, yaku didn't show up again. and the next day, the day after that, and the following days.

i have no contact with him to ask how he's doing but i hope and pray that he's alright.

college of accountancy and business management
nekoma high

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