σηє ∞ мєєт υρ

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кαтє'ѕ ρσν

Am Kate and today is special. Today is the day, the day I meet my favorite mincraft gamers! I got out of bed and took a shower. I wonder what I should wear? I putted on a disney crop top with some white shorts and white Converse. I went down stairs and putted on my glasses. Autumn is still sleeping, she takes forever to wake up! 

"Autumn!!!! Hurry up were going to be late for the meet up!!!" I yelled

"What!!!! Did I over sleep?? OMG AM SO SORRY KATE!!! AM GETTING READY RIGHT NOW!" She yelled

She's so weird. Autumn came out of her room, she was wearing a 5sause crop top and black shorts with some black Vans. She's soo prettier then me. 

"Ready to go?" I asked

"Yeah" she said smiling c:

We got into the car and I was driving. Amnesia was playing and she sang the whole song. We got close to the meet up and parked my car. There was a lot of people, like 500 or more! We got in line and waited and waited!!! After the long waiting we got to see Parker!!

"Hi Parker! I'm Kate and this is my bestie Autumn!" I said

"Well Hello Kate and Autumn!" he said

"I brought you Jeffery!" Autumn said holding a white horse plushie

"OMG THANK YOU I FINALLY SEE JEFFERY!" He yelled happily. Liam starting walking to us.

"Hey Parker I see you found Jeffrey" he said

"Yes I did thanks to Autumn!" Parker said

We starting talking and then Jordan appers out of no where. We talked a lot and a lot! Then Autumn nugged me.

"Hey isn't that Zach?!" Cat whispered, I turned to the person who see was looking at. It was him, Zach the guy who broke my heart. I start remembering walking into his house and saw him kissing another girl. I just burst into tears.

"Kate!! Are you okay?" Jordan asked me

"Umm yeah, am just really happy to meet you guys" I said trying to smile. Zach came over, he couldn't see my face because my hands were on my face. 

"Hey, you okay?" Zach asked

"Yeah, until you showed up" I said looking up, then walking away pulling Autumn.

"Kate wait!!!! Am sorry!!!" He yelled.

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There was a girl crying am going to talk to her.

"Sorry, guys I'll be right back" I said to the crowd of people and start walking up to the girl.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, she looked up and I knew really fast it was Kate.

"Yeah, until you showed up" she said walking away pulling Autumn

"Kate wait!!!! Am sorry!!!" I yelled. She kept on walking until I couldn't see her no more.

"What was that all about?" Jordan asked

"Nothin' just forget about it" I said walking back to my spot


Yay first chapter!!!

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