Chapter 2

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I awoke while stretching my arms out. I felt a bit drowsy as sunlight drifted into the room. I looked over and saw Argo and Lisbeth peacefully sleeping next to each other. I smiled gently before getting out of bed.

I opened my menu and sorted through my equipment, before shifting my attention to my friend list. "Oh, I should send those two a friend request..." I mumbled to myself. I searched up their display name and sent them a friend request. I was about to close out my menu, but a thought occurred to me at the last moment.

I clicked on the name Kirito on my friend list and opened the private messaging function. "You there?" I typed out and sent.

A few seconds later, I got a response. "Yeah. What's up?"

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"Well, as good as I can be in the current situation." He messaged. "What about you?"

I thought for a moment and sighed. "Well, having two girls as the company certainly helps. So I guess I should thank you." I typed, recalling how he sent Argo after me.

"Don't sweat it. You weren't in the beta test right? I figure you could use the help."

"Yeah. It's a good thing Argo was in the test with you." I started typing up another message. "I think I should go now. It's about time that I start the day off." I say as I get ready to close out the window.

"Right. Bye. Take care of those two for me."

I smiled and closed out the chat window, before getting off of the bed. It was rather fortunate that grime didn't show up that much on player modes. Breath didn't stink, showers weren't necessary (but we're still quite comforting), and clothes could be infinitely reused.

Because of this, the moment I got out of bed I was essentially ready for the day. I stretched out a bit with a long sigh. Sunlight leaked in through a crack in the curtains on the window. A sound of chirping birds could be heard outside. Despite it being all virtual, it was comforting.

Apparently, the sounds were a bit loud, as I heard shuffling in the bed next to me. Lisbeth was the first to rise up, her brown hair a mess as she rubbed her eyes. Her moving in bed woke Argo up as well as she rose soon after with a stretch. "Morning." I greeted them simply as they woke up.

"Morning..." Lisbeth said, still partially waking up.

Good morning... Chevalier." Argo said. There was a pause in her words. She seemed to be about to say my real name but stopped herself. "Hope you slept well."

It seems like Argo was much better at waking up than Lisbeth. Or maybe it was just the shock of almost slipping my name that ripped her out of her drowsiness. Who knows?

"So what did you guys wanna do today? Wanna head into the dungeon today?" I said, eager to get out of the death game.

"Hmm... there's no rush, right? Every other player is probably already mapping out the dungeon. And it's only the second day." Lisbeth said as she sat up at the edge of the bed.

"Actually, the first thing you mentioned is called the bystander effect," Argo commented as she got out of bed and began to equip her gear. "Although, you do have a point. It's fairly likely that only a few people are actually in the dungeon now. Why don't we take some quests in the meantime?"

"Hmm... Sure! Let's do it." Lisbeth said, clapping her hands together.

"Yeah, I don't particularly mind. Getting more col and experience is never a bad idea." I said as I finished putting on all of my battle gear from my menu. "Why don't we head out then?"

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