Chapter 7

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"So, Silica..." Lisbeth started. "What Level are you?"

"Level 6! Although, I wasn't able to join in on the first boss fight..." she said. Her voice was high-pitched, but could easily be described as cute.

"You're only one level away from us then!" Lisbeth responded.

"Yeah. You looked kinda young, so I wasn't sure if I should treat you like a kid or not. But I see now that you're plenty responsible enough." I explained, closing out my menu.

We were still behind the same building, hiding away from the rest of my 'fans'. Lisbeth was conversing with Silica while I tried to get our bearings.

"What were you doing, Chevalier?" Lisbeth asked, seeing me close out my menu. 

"Oh, I was messaging Argo. Asking where she got the cloak that she always wears." I explained. "If I'm being honest, I'm a bit of a hermit. So having people crowd around me is... a bit much." I chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "So uhh... I kinda want one at this point."

"Haha... I suppose..." Lisbeth said. "Although... if you go into town to buy it, won't people notice you?"

"Ah, shoot... I didn't think about that..." I muttered. Naturally, if I was seen buying a cloak in town, people would take note of which one I bought. I don't think they'd be so obsessive as to check everyone with that specific cloak... but it unnecessarily heightens the risk of me being found out. "I'll just ask Argo if she can purchase an extra for-"

"Hold on!" I was interrupted by our new group member. "W-What if I could help...?"


"Ok, Silica. Remember, it's in the store three down from the left exit..." Lisbeth whispered.

"Right!" Silica responded, nodding with determination. "I'm ready when you are, Chevalier!"

"Got it. I'm heading out then!" I walked out back into the town that I was running away from just minutes ago.

"Oh, Heya! What brings you back here?" Diavel was the first to catch sight of me and quickly approached.

"H-Heya! I ended up forgetting to take any quests. I figured that I should come back and actually start making some money." I explained, rubbing the back of my neck a bit.

"Ah, is that so? Well, why don't I help you out on finding one?" Diavel said.

"Sure! I'm actually new to the quests of this floor. Would you guys mind helping me out?" I called everyone around as our plan sprung into action. People came over, wanting to help the man who defeated the boss of the first floor and saved everyone.

"Well, if you're searching for a party, I'd be glad to join you!" Someone shouted out.

"Ooh! Me too!" Another joined in. I could tell that they were just being friendly. Despite this, I wasn't able to take it in good faith.

"Well, I'll think about it," I said with a chuckle. "For now, I'm just looking for a quest. I'm thinking of a quest for like, three mid-level players." I explained as casually as I could.

"Oh, in that case, an extermination quest for three Sandy Boars would suit you just fine!" Diavel picked up a quest from the wall and handed it to me.

"Ah, I see. That certainly sounds like it'll be fun." I said with a smile as I took the paper in my hand. "I think I'll do this one then..." I sent a sideward glance to the shop that Silica was supposed to be purchasing our cloaks from and saw her getting ready to leave. I had to stall for just a bit more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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