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HOLY MOLY SO MANY VIEWS. Also, please comment and vote! You don't have to be the silent person!

In the land of Pyrrhia, when kids are a certain age they discover their group and power...

Tsunami awoke to the feeling of Aukulet falling on top of her.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL H-" Tsunami began. 

Anemone yelled at the top of her lungs, "NEWS FLASH: I DON'T CARE."

Tsunami sighed at her terrible Monday morning. Her days were usually like this: scattered and messy. But she wasn't complaining. She loved her family. She fell out of the wrong side of the bed and went to brush her teeth. After a while, she was eating on the dining table, in a cropped sea green, Turtle (Ha! See what I did there? No? * pause* Ok.)  neck sweater with dark blue jeans. Her wavy, blue hair was down. She had no makeup on, just a little powder. Tsunami finished her breakfast at the same time as both of her sisters. She turned on her phone and scrolled through her texts. All 32 of her cousins, all boys, had sent over 6723 messages. That's why she hides those alerts. As she was turning her phone off, Tsunami saw the time. "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGO-" 

"I KNOW, LETS JUST GO!" Anemone yelled in annoyance.

Tsunami turned on her sea blue Lambo, and Anemone and Aukulet stepped in. Tsunami dropped off Aukulet at her elementary, and went to Wings of Fire High. Tsunami was in her last year of high school, while it was Anemone's second. (This may be different for some of you, because I live in the U.S.) Tsunami spotted her friends, Clay, Sunny, Glory, and Starflight. They were considered popular, for they knew everyone and everyone knows them. She and Anemone stepped out of the car and Anemone waved good bye. Tsunami smiled in response and bounded over to her friends. She was first greeted by Glory, who was wearing an orange and teal sweater dress and combat boots. She was sipping on her morning coffee. Tsunami had seen Starflight give Clay a slice of cake, and Clay was wolfing it down. Sunny and Starflight were both laughing at the sight.

"Hey Tsunami!" Glory waved, smiling.

"Hi!" was all Clay could say with his full mouth.

Star and Sunny only waved because of heir fits of laughter. Sadly, the bell rang.

"Bye guys. I have math," Tsunami shuddered. MAtH was terrible. The teacher was Dune, but at least it wasn't Kestrel. Kestrel taught PE, the worst possible subject.

Sorry it's so short! I've just been pretty busy... heh.

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