Requests Rules/Clarifications (Open)

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Hello friends!

So I'm new to writing fanfictions, one shots, etc., so bear with me here.

Here's the guidlines I'm gonna go by for now (may be subject to change later on):

1. Requests can be character x character or character x reader

2. No smut or lemons or anything it makes me uncomfortable writing it oof

3. Comment on this chapter to request! (More convenient)

4. Don't freak out if I delete your comment, that mean I'm either working on that request or I've already finished it (It helps me keep organized with this thing).

5. Although there is no smut and such, I am allowing sensitive topics (ex. violence, depression, etc.) so I'll mark those in case some readers are sensitive to that material.

6. Not really a rule, but just be aware that there could possibly and/or will be cursing in these chapters, I'm not really a fragile flower, so I don't really get flustered by the word "fuck" or something like that. If you don't like cursing, maybe you should reconsider reading this book just in case I'm in a curse-y mood when I write these chapters.

Also, when requesting you can ask for specific things (ex. Female reader or Artist character or something or other), and if you want a specific plot, don't hesitate to tell me! Or, if you can't think of one, I can just make one :D

Sorry for my ranting and rambling on those lmao

Enjoy! I look forward to chatting and working with everyone! :DD

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