I Don't Bite- Ralsei x Shy Female Reader

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Requested by @JhosenetteSama

Thank you for your support! <3

Also sorry this took a while, it's February so you already know high school is starting to pile things up and the exams are starting soon so


  I wake up to something cold against my face. I push myself up, only to find that I had fallen on what seemed to be a flooring of some kind. I stand up and look at my hands. My skin changed to light/dark (color) and my hair was now a light/dark (color). I'm wearing a knee-length white dress with black leggings (if you would like to change the clothes, go right ahead). I don't know where I am, or how I got here, but I need to find help as soon as possible. 

  Before I can continue my thought, I hear a light tapping coming towards me. Oh god, someone found me! I thought. I scramble up to my feet and start running as fast as I can, neglecting the beautiful scenery. My main goal (is to blow up-) is to find a hiding place as soon as possible. Found one! A large, red tree looms over me. Perfect. I clamber up the tree, rest on one of the thicker limbs, and wait. 

  As I had thought, there was someone coming after me. I couldn't see them very well through the leaves. Their figure was quite small, and it seemed like they were wearing a cloak. My eyes widened, but I remain silent. The figure looked around for a few moments. They seemed to shrug, giving up, and began moseying away. I sigh in relief. 


  Oh no. I look down. It seems that I've chosen the wrong branch to sit on. The branch is about to give out. I try to keep quiet and get away and onto another limb of the tree, but the branch gives out, bringing me with it. I can't scream as I fall, I'm too shocked and scared. I land on the ground for the second time today with an "oof." The aforementioned figure looks back, and I can finally see their face. They're... fluffy? The mysterious person has floofy black fur, a green witch's hat, and a green cloak. Green glasses sat on their nose and a red-ish-pink-ish scarf wraps around their neck. They rush over to me, causing me to get nervous. I back up a bit, but stop when I realize that something in my leg is hurting, and remain sitting on the hard ground.

  "Uh, miss, are you alright?" The fluffy boy says. I look up, not knowing what to say. 

  "I-I, u-uh, yes?" I lie. Inside, I'm screaming, No, my lEG IS BROKEN FOOL WHAT DO YOU MEAN AM I ALRIGHT-

  But of course, I couldn't say that, especially to someone I don't know, I don't have the balls to. The fluffy person crouches down beside me. 

  "Here, give me your leg, I can fix it." he says. I hesitantly sit up with my leg stretched out despite the pain, eyeing the strange person wearily. He hovers his hands over me, and a faint green begins to glow. "Don't freak out, I'm just using my magic to heal it, although this may take a while." I take a deep breath, and force down my anxiety.

  After about five minutes of silence, the boy starts talking. "My name is Ralsei, what's yours?"

  "Uh, (Y/n)."

  "(Y/n)... That's a nice name! I like it!" Ralsei smiles at me, and I feel heat rising to my cheeks. 


  "Say, how did you get down here in the first place?"

   How did I? I try to recall what happened, and it all comes flooding back to me. "I... fell down after... the floors gave out in the... closet...?" You reconsider that memory. That sounds absurd, there's no way that could happen-

  "Ah, yes, the 'closet.' I met other people who had the same story before, perhaps you know them? They're lighteners, their names are Kris and Susie." I recall those names, they're the two who disappeared after Ms. Alphys, our teacher, requested for them to get her chalk. So that's what happened to them.

  "Uh, yeah, I know them, slightly. I'm in their class."

  "Wonderful to hear!" Ralsei finishes healing me, I look down at my leg and it looks like nothing ever happened. "Well, (Y/n), I think we're gonna be great friends!" I feel heat rising to my face once again, and I smile at the fluffy boy.

  "Yeah, me too."


To the person who requested this, if you didn't like it, you can just let me know, I can make another one instead, no problem!

Have a nice day everyone! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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