Chapter.2: Silent & distant

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With the sun rising, the young musician was already up. He threw on his gold-trimmed white tunic over his black under tights and strapped on his silver chest plate trimmed in gold with gold shoulder plates attached. He slipped on his long black fingerless gloves before strapping his brown leather gauntlets over his arms, baring the Uura crest: A crescent moon with a sphere inside with three long teardrops underneath it. He slipped on his brown leather boots before slipping his matching belt around his waist. Despite being a knight, his armor wasn’t very defensive but that was because the musician personally preferred to have mobility when it came to battle. Now that he was dressed, he tied his instrument to his waist in the back before he headed out of his room and walked down the long halls and into the armory where he picked up his sword before meeting up with the other knights who were all waiting for him by the front gate with the princess.

Exiting the castle, the young musician was met with the knights; they all looked at him with narrow eyes and forward brows, agitated by the fact that the king thought that they would need the musician’s aid in protecting the princess.

“Alright, now that we’re all here, let us begin” One of the knights exclaimed; all the knights mounted on their horses with the princess on her own, riding in the center of the group. As the team began to head out, all the townspeople said their goodbyes, wishing the princess luck and safety during her mission, hoping she would return to them unharmed. The princess waved farewell to her people in return, swallowing her fear; fear of failing the ritual, failing the people of Uura and the entire world with them...this was a heavy burden to bear...especially without her mother.

With a lash of the reins, the horses took off and the knights finally began to ride out of the kingdom, following the dirt road that stretched through the town. They will have to reach the Uuralia walls before they can head towards the great demon, as each nation is surrounded by their own wall.

 After making a good enough distance from the Uura kingdom, the horses begin to slow down and the knights start to converse, laughing and smiling as though they were all friends from years long passed. The blonde knight was quiet as usual but he did enjoy the presence of his horse, stroking its mane and scratching its forehead with gentle strokes.

"You like her? She was a rescue" The voice was of the young girl from up ahead. The blonde looked up to see the young songstress looking over her shoulder, smiling at him with her amethyst eyes; to which the young girl quickly took notice of the lack of expression the blonde knight had, only reminding her about the previous conversation that the boy and her father had held previously, feeling guilt well up inside her.

"...I...I'm sorry about my father..." Apologizing was all the girl could think to say. She knew she couldn't rewrite the wrongs of her father's actions, she knew there wasn't anything she could do to make up for it...apologizing was all she could think to do, even if it wasn't enough...and if her father wasn't going to say anything, then she would have to in his place.

"Don't apologize, just forget it" The blonde knight replied, looking back at the road ahead of them. His voice didn't exactly carry any emotion, so it was hard to say if he was angry or not.

"But aren't you upset? Please, don't hold back your thoughts just because I'm the princess or songstress...please be honest" She asked, pleading the knight to speak his words and his feelings honestly...but the knight saw no point in satisfying her.

"I said forget it" His tone didn't change but this time they're eyes met. Seeing his amber-colored eyes meet her amethyst said more than enough that he was through with their conversation. She sighed, defeated by the knight's gaze. She didn't want to leave things as they were...but she didn't want to anger the blonde knight any further, nor did she want to catch the attention of the other knights or the blonde would surely only get in further trouble for speaking to her as rudely as he did. To be honest, though, Princess Ursa had a particular interest in the blonde knight because they were both the age of 16, so she had hoped she could relate to him in some way...but that only proved to be foolish thinking.

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