Chapter.4: Angela

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With the sun already beginning to cast its morning rays on the land beneath, the young princess and her knights were already packing up their things and headed out the village gate, leaving the protection of the nation walls. The mayor had already given the young girl his farewells...but he couldn't help but feel like maybe he should have convinced the young princess to stay with him just a bit least long enough to convince himself that her journey wasn't going to be life-threatening, even if that is a lie; he just couldn't stand the thought of knowing the poor girl would be risking her life for the entire world, at only 16 years old...

Riding off into the unprotected lands, the princess looked around at each of her knights to make sure they were all there but when she did, her eyes had noticed how sleep-deprived the blonde knight looked. It was just a feeling, but to the princess, the musician's eye gave her the expression that his dreams must have disturbed his slumbering all night...she wanted to convey her worry for him but after slapping him yesterday...she didn't even know how to look him directly in the eyes anymore. She couldn't apologize and the musician already didn't seem to like her to begin with...

"Your highness, we're exposed to more danger out here, so please stay close to us," One of the knights said while keeping his eyes focused on their surroundings.

"Right..." She nodded in response to her knight, wishing she hadn't been reminded of the possible demons lurking about.

With his carnelian eyes lacking in rest, the musician focused on the sounds around him using his ears. Listening was one of the only things the blonde knight did more than anything else, even when it was something he didn't want to hear; from music to townspeople gossip or even the screams of the fearful and the cries of his enemies, his ears never stopped listening...Though that could be said about most people, however, not everyone is willing to listen to the things around them, especially if it's something that they tend to be afraid of or often don't believe.

"To be honest, I thought the moment we stepped foot outside the walls, I thought demons would have jumped us already" One of the knights commented.

"Yeah...but it's oddly quiet" Another replied, carefully scanning the area as she tightened her grip on the sword around her waist, waiting for the moment a demon might attack.

The musician's eyes widened a bit as he noticed the sudden hesitation in the horse's movements and quickly called out to the other knights before drawing his weapon.

"Get down!"Without delay, the other knights quickly duck down with the princess, just before a large flock of demon bird-like creatures swooped down at them. The bird demons were known as Harpies; tall thin human-like creatures with black feathers tearing out through their skin and razor-sharp talons for feet. They are one of the few demons that can be gender identified due to their human-like shape.

"Stay sharp everyone, demons are smarter than they look" The commanding knight warned, making sure to stay close to the young princess's side, ready to die for her if need be.

"Yes sir" The others responded, all but the musician of course.

"Please be safe, all of you...Aegis!" With a strong prayer, the princess casts a protective spell on the armor of her knights, keeping them all as safe as she possibly could with her magic.

"Scraaaaaaaa!!" The harpy screeched, diving down with its talons ready to shred any human beneath them. With a hard pull on the reins, the musician quickly moves his horse out of the way before leaping off.

Standing by as he watched the demon, he bent one foot forward with his legs keeping a small distance between themselves. His eyes watching the harpy,s every move while his hand sits ready to draw his blade.

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