Chapter.6 : Rain shower

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sitting by a fire in the old house with her knights, the princess began to worry when a loud clap of thunder echoed in the sky, vibrating the old building for only a moment before the rain began to fall relentlessly from the heavens...but the musician wasn't back yet and she couldn't help but worry that perhaps something had happened to him.

"He's not back yet..." The princess said as she looked over the knights beside her.

"Tsk, he can take care of himself, your highness," One of the knights said, setting his helmet down in his lap.


"I'll go look for him, so you don't have to worry. Okay?" The crow-haired knight said, giving a soft reassuring smile.

"Thank you" The princess was relieved to know that despite the earlier conflict between the two, he was still kind enough to go find the musician, even if it was only to please her.

The other knights warned their ally not to go but he simply told them to hush unless they wanted to go out into a storm, which seemed to have done the trick.

Stepping out into a thick shower of rain, the ebony-haired knight made haste through the village ruins in hopes that it wouldn't take long to find the blonde.

There weren't too many houses left standing, so it shouldn't take too long. He stepped into one of the houses and checked for any signs of recent activities. Footprints. Someone had recently walked through the old floors and from what the knight could tell, they were headed upstairs.

"Note, are you up there!?" The ebony-haired knight called but there was no answer...He sighed in annoyance before marching upstairs and heading into the first room he saw across the hall since the door was already opened...but the closer he got the more he began to smell something foul like something had been dead for years...He wondered if perhaps it was from a dead animal that had been trapped somewhere in the old walls, but rather than a dead anime...he was met with the sad sight of the poor soul who hung by a thick rope. Glancing in the room, he had finally found the musician; he was leaned against the wall by the old broken window. He watched the rain pour down as his ears listened to the drops hitting the roof above.

The building was old and decrepit, allowing water to drip down from the cracks of the ceiling to form small puddles on the wooden floorboards that had been slowly decaying for years.

"The princess asked me to come get you" The ebony-haired knight stated, watching the other man as he crossed his arms.

The musician didn't respond, not even bothering to glance at the knight.

"Why is it so hard for you to just follow orders? The princess is trying her best to be strong on this tough journey, so stop giving her a hard time." The ebony-haired knight said, stern with his words as his emerald eyes never left the musician.

"...." Note didn't respond but he looked back at the other boy before finally moving from the wall and headed for the exit. The Knight followed the musician into the rain and walked him back to the rest of the group, but unlike the ebony-haired boy, the blonde had no protection from the rain as he felt the cold rain wet his skin as it seeped through his clothes.

When the two finally rejoined the group, the princess greeted them both with a smile, relieved they were both safe. The ebony-haired knight joined his companions by the fire to share a hot meal.

The musician watched them for a moment before he found a decent corner to sit in. It was much warmer inside the old house but as he sat away from the fire, struggling to keep himself from shivering, but to most people, many wouldn't be able to notice the musician was even cold at all as he seemed to do a good job at hiding any weakness when around others.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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