Chapter 3: Needing Help To Get Free

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Dwight's POV
Jake at this point is unbuttoning my top and I could see his vampire teeth. I tilted my head to the side as he bit my neck.

In this Chapter

Jake's POV
I was half paying attention to what Dwight was saying because I was to focused on his shirt. As I opened my mouth, I saw him tilt his head to one side and I took this as an opportunity and bit him. I felt him move his hand to his mouth to muffle his scream. As  I move from his neck to breath to his lips then I got up to make him breakfast. I couldn't eat food like Dwight could. "HeyDwight, do you want eggs and bacon" I say turning to see him nod. "Jake how long have you.... been a vampire" he asked "11 years why" I reply. "Just wondering that's all" he finally said. "Do you what to become one" "yes, no, maybe" unsure with his answer. "I will let you think on that Babe" I say, seeing him blush

Dwight's POV

I felt my face heat up when he said babe. I ate my breakfast that he made. After that he picked me up and placed me in his room and whispered to stay put and people were coming. I stay where I was as I hear a gun shot. Then footsteps coming my way, I got up and hid under the bed and put my hand over my mouth. I watch as two set of feet and one of the pair was dragging Jakes limp body. Then one of them spoke "where is the boy Jake" "I don't know what you are talking about David" Jack said a bit painfully. "Ace drop him and help me search the house for Dwight" David said to, I think is Ace. Ace and David left the room and closed the door. Jake looked at me and opened a small sliding door and mentioned me to go though. 

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