Ice Cream

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PotatoCakes142 you said make it gay

Quinn laughed as she pushed Jacqueline away from their shared Super Ice Cream Sunday Surprise on the formers bed.

"Oh my god stop!" Quinn squealed.

"No!" Jacqueline laughed, laying on her back.

The girls laughed more. Tears eventually started coming out of their eyes. They caught their breath for a moment.

"Its still car-mel." Jacqueline said.

"Shut up!" Quinn yelled, "that's it, I'm eating the rest."

"No!" Jacqueline whined, sitting up, "you know how much I love ice cream."

Quinn scoffed at the other girls pout, "here, you hoe."

Jacqueline took the spoon Quinn held out, "Thank you!"

Jacqueline brushed her long, blonde hair from her face before taking a scoop of half melted vanilla ice cream covered in sprinkles, chocolate, caramel, marshmallows, and many other things. She watched Quinn happily munch on a chunk of frozen oreo. Somehow, Jacqueline noticed, Quinn had gotten a bit of ice cream in her brown, baby emo fringe.

"What?" Quinn asked when she realised she was being stared at.

"You got ice cream in your hair." Jacqueline said.

"What?!" Quinn screeched.

Jacqueline took the bowl as Quinn frantically ran her fingers through her short, boyish hair.

"Did I get it?" Quinn asked.

Jacqueline met Quinn's brown eyes with her own hazel ones. She flushed light pink.


Quinn smiled and Jacqueline almost died, it was so cute.

"Give me the ice cream." Quinn demanded.

Jacqueline scoffed, "Fine princess."

Quinn froze at the nickname, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. She ducked her head and bit into the ice cream.

Jacqueline laughed, "you're adorable when you get flustered."

"Not as adorable as you." Quinn mumbled into their sugary confection.

"What?" Jacqueline asked.

"Nothing!" Quinn said quickly.

"Are you sure?" Jacqueline teased, rolling on her back and moving so her head was resting on Quinn's lap.

Quinn looked alway, mumbling something.

"What was that?" Jacqueline asked.

Quinn looked back at the blonde girl.

"Fuck it."

Quinn lent down and kissed her.

It was short and sloppy and when they pulled away, they were both red.

"Uh..." Jacqueline started.

"Crap! I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking! I-!"

Jacqueline laughed. She grabbed the back of Quinn's head and pulled her into another kiss.

"Idiot." Quinn laughed breathlessly, not just from the kiss.

Jacqueline just smiled up at the other girl, "I love you."

"I love you too." Quinn responded.

The two girls shared another vanilla sweet kiss, the ice cream forgotten.

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