venty vent vent vent (I'm not ok)

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"No. You can't go with them." My mother said, "I need you to watch your brother."

I stayed silent.

"Do you know how much it costs for a babysitter for five days?" She asked, "that's 250 dollars. And I know you hate me but there's nothing I can do."

"That's bullshit." I spat, "You just got a 300 dollar bonus. Money is not an issue. You're pissed at them. You've been pissed at them for twenty-two years! And yes! I hate you! I hate you because you treat me like a servant! You have never treated me like a child! I am only important to you when you need someone to take your dish to the kitchen or to watch your! Son! He is my brother! Not my child! He is supposed to be your child! Your responsibility! You cannot push that on me!

"I now know what happened when you wouldn't tell me anything. You told me lies! You told me he left cause he wanted to! You didn't tell me about the fighting or the word 'bitch' literally stabbed into your door! I was only seven! It's been eleven years mother! Eleven! Fucking! Years!" I screamed out, "this is not about me not being able to go with them! This is about you! And your dependence on me! I'm just a kid! I shouldn't have to worry about your finances! Your son! Your time! All the time! I have enough on my plate without you adding more to it!"

I took a deep breath, staring her down, "I don't care what you do, or say, or think of me. I am done! I am done with you trying to control me and use me! For once you're the one who needs to grow up and go to therapy! You don't get to use me anymore. I am not yours. I am me."

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