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They say,

America the Beautiful.

But I dont find anything beautiful about blood running in the streets and violence breeding more violence. I dont find beauty in people starving to death because they couldn't pay off the college they went to to get a degree that will get them nowhere. I dont find it beautiful when people disregard the safety of those who need it the most for their own comfort.

America the free.

What's so free about being the number one country for people in prison? How do we be free with curfews and riots and racism and the gay panic defense? And I totally see the freedom of saying the Pledge of Allegiance every day because the government thought immigrant children would forget which country they were in.

America the equal.

Except for blacks, Mexicans, Chinese, LGBTQ+, the disabled, the mentally ill, the homeless, and basically anyone who's not white, cishet, or has money. And then theres those who are unfairly put above the law like the police, the government, trillionares, some cis-men, and anyone in power.


America is not beautiful. America is not free. America is not equal. It is poisoned by people who want their perfect image and will kill to do so. They will kill school children. They will kill peacefully protesting people. They kill anyone who does not fit their narrative and then steal everything from them.

America is broken.

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