2. I promise

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I looked at the list and stared at the last circled name

I felt tears filled my eyes

"Their the only ones that'll take us in!!" I cried out

I picked up the phone and selected one of their names

The call-



"Who is this?"



"Yes I need help!" I cried out

"What do you need honey?"

"The girls the kids and I need a place to stay by next week"

"Honey you know you guys are always welcome here.....Wait did you say....kids?!!!"


"Well damn come here now!"

"Jin....we live in America"

"Well shit hurry up!!"

"Okay" I Said with a mix of laughter "well I'm gonna go pack up and everything"

"Okay bye"

"I miss you and love you Jin"

"I miss you too and I love you too"

"....bye..." I Said quietly while holding back tears

"Call me whenever you want but right now good bye"

I threw the list away and took out a paper and started writing down the plan

Two hours later-

I got up and stretched

"Well that seems good enough"

I walked into Mavis's room and started going threw her stuff

An hour later-

"Three stacks of stuff first the obvious she uses than the outgrown stuff like clothes and toys that's passed her age and than the Idk she's gotta go threw it" I got some trash bags and threw the outgrown stuff into them

I walked into Luca's room and started to go threw everything

Thirty minutes later-

I stopped when I saw drawings he drew of the family and than i saw a note on the back of one that he drew in school

"This is a picture of me and my family the two smallest is me and Mav I love her so much than the one in between us is Mama she's very strong and kind but I can see that sometimes she's sad especially when she's playing with the ring on her finger the two girls on the outside of us is our aunties their awesome and funny and very loud than theirs me and Mav's dad we have never met him but we know he's out there somewhere so I put him in the background watching over us and keeping us safe like Mama said he will always do but even though I've never met him i love him!" I held the paper to my chest while holding back tears

(O my lord the grammar!!!)

"You'll met him soon baby like I promised"

"I'm so sorry I did this to you my babies I was just so scared" I cried out

Ten minutes later-

After regrouping myself I got up and started going threw everything again

"This family has to many things" I sighed

Child of the mafia ( Sequel to The mafias daughter) Where stories live. Discover now