13. Complicated

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A week later-

I yawned while leaning against the kitchen counter

I slowly rested my head on the counter and closed my eyes

"I'll just close my eyes for a second" I whispered

Ten minutes later-

I shot up when I heard ringing from the little alarm clock telling me the cakes are ready

"This is important don't be mad" I told myself

I took the cakes out to cool off before I decorate them

I walked over to the living room than laid down on the couch to sleep some while the cakes cooled down

An hour later-

I woke up to another alarm

"This is worth it....this is worth it" I told myself while walking into the kitchen

Two hours later-

The guys were decorating the house while I was cooking with Jin and the girls when my phone went off so I excused myself to answer it

Five minutes later-


"Yes baby!?

"Do you wanna come with me to get the twins from your parents!?"


So a lot has happened in the past week like Luca lost his first tooth while Mavis has two that are loose than we met up with Jungkook's parents and they are officially apart of all our lives which is exciting for all of us especially the twins since they have a set of grandparents in their lives

We got in the car and I text Kookies parents to tell them we were on our way since Kook is driving

"Lord they're growing up so fast" I sniffled

"They are" he smiled

I stayed quiet and looked out the window till I felt Kook hold my hand that was on my lap

"I'm so happy they're ours"

I smiled and kissed the back of his hand

We listened to the radio in silence till I Said...

"How would you feel if we had another" I looked at him

He pulled over and looked at me

"Are you..?"

"No no!!!" I laughed

"That's good to know cause yes I do want another but I want to wait a little bit"

"Same I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page"

I smiled at him and he just stared at me

"What?" I laughed

"You're so beautiful" he whispered

I just keep my smile

"I still can't believe that we ended up together" he put one of his hands against my face and rubbed his thumb against my cheek gently

"Stop being so cheesy" I held his hand

An hour later-

After picking up the twins we made our way back home

The car ride was filled with the twins stories about what happened at Jungkook's parents house

It was quite obvious that they were over exaggerating and add stuff in but Jungkook and I still played in with them and over exaggerated our reactions

Child of the mafia ( Sequel to The mafias daughter) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora