8. 1...2...3...4...5

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After prying the twins off Jin and getting them in the car seats we left for the mansion

"Okay so the guys are out right now they won't be back for at least two to four hours"


I looked out the window and smiled

'I'm back like I promised' I thought while playing with my wedding ring

"Mama!" Luca said

"Yes baby?"

"I'm hungry"

I turned around to face them

"Mav are you hungry too?"

"No Luca gave me most of his food on the plane"

I sighed

"Luca we've already talked about this....you can't always give Mav your food if she's still a little bit hungry cause theirs always more food"

"Sorry mama" he said

"It's okay"

Twenty minutes later-

"Are you good now?" I asked them and they nodded

"Good now lets go home"

An hour later-

I looked out the window to see a mansion in the distance

"Wait isn't this where the old mansion was before the expl-"

"Yes we rebuilt it" Jin Said and smiled at me

I smiled back

When we pulled up I put my shoes back on and started to gather the trash

Once we parked I got out and threw away the trash and grabbed some of the bags

I walked up to Jin

"Are you sure their not home yet?" I Said worried

"Their not don't worry they won't be back for at least two hours" he said while unlocking the door

I nodded and walked in and nearly broke down

"It....looks almost exactly the same" I dropped the bags and covered my mouth

Yoongi set down the bags he had and back hugged me

"We wanted to make it the same for you to come home to something you're familiar to but we did change some stuff like you said you wanted to change some stuff in the kitchen which we did than we changed yours and Kooks room but we let Kook design it Than....we made some extra rooms for what we thought was for future kids but at least two rooms will be used now" Yoongi smiled "theres some other things that are different"

I turned around and fully hugged him

"This is so beautiful" Jin Said

I looked at jin to see he was filming us

"Why are you filming us" I lightly laughed

"I'm filming so we have memories to look back on"

I just nodded than the twins came in

"Mama is this?" Mav started

"Our new home?" Luca finished

I smiled at Jin filming the twins now

"Yes babies it is" I pat their heads and took their bags

"We're home bitches!!!!" The girls screamed together

Child of the mafia ( Sequel to The mafias daughter) Where stories live. Discover now