3. Surprises

451 24 35

I woke up to loud banging

"What the fuck" I Said as I was slowly sitting up

I winced in pain a fell back down

"Shit I forgot to take my pain meds" I held my back as I sat up again

Than I heard glass break

"Fuck it my pain comes last first is my babies!" I got up ignoring my terrible pain and grabbed my pistol and pocket knifes

I silently checked all the rooms to see everyone was asleep in their rooms

I slowly made my way downstairs where all the noise is coming from

I looked around to see everything looks the same before we went to bed no doors open nor unlocked and no windows broken nor open

'That's strange'

I walked into the kitchen to see a figure

'No weapon no gun or anything on the counters' I slowly put my gun down on the chair and made my way towards the person with my pocket knifes

I stopped when I saw the person put a knife down on the counter

When I go right behind the person I grabbed their right arm and twisted it behind their back with my pocket knife still in hand so its against their back slightly poking them and my other hand is holding the other pocket knife against their neck

"Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house fucker!"

The person didn't say anything

So I kneed the back of their knee so they were kneeling now

"Are you alone?!!" I raised my voice silently while pushing the knife slightly into their back

"Yes yes!!"

'Deep voice and slightly broad body and definitely no boobs so it's a male'

"O your talking now so answer me who are you and why the fuck are you in my house!!"

"Y/n it's me Yoongi and your hurting me sis!!" He said

I got a better look at him

"O shit!!" I let go of his arms and put my knifes down

"Thank you"

"Again why the fuck are you here!" I Said while hugging him

"Jin sent me here to help you" he chuckled "I loved the welcoming though those knifes to my back and throat were amazing"

We laughed

"Well what do think I was going to do when I heard noises in my house at" I looked at the stove clock " midnight big bro"

"True can't be mad"

"How....how did you get in though?"

"O yeah I kind of picked the lock and hacked into the keypad lock thing for the door" he scratched the back of his neck

"Ah okay well you must be tired do you have clothes and you can sleep in the guest bedroom"

"Yeah I have clothes and thank you"

I lead him to the room

When we got to the room I opened the door and checked if their were towels and stuff in the bathroom

"O um it's gonna be loud around five to six in the morning but just ignore it and I'll come wake you up at like ten if that's okay?" I Said while nervously scratching my wrist

Child of the mafia ( Sequel to The mafias daughter) Where stories live. Discover now