|| f o u r || dreaming ☄

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"How strange
To dream of you

Even when
I am wide awake."

- d.j


Mature content


Ming cradles Kit's blushing face as he sucks on his tongue. While one of Kit's hands is fisted onto the taller man's shirt, the other rests on the taller man's nape, tugging his hair.

Overwhelmed with his mouth being fucked, Kit couldn't help a soft moan escape him.

They separate needing air. Ming almost loses being a gentleman seeing Kit's pinkish skin and desire that fills his eyes.

Ming attacks the plump lips of Kit once again. He reaches a hand under his suit and caresses the curve of his back.

This time Kit pulls away, solely focused on removing the engineer's clothes. He starts with the shirt, carefully tries to unbutton it.

Ming is too busy trying to find the sensitive part of Kit's neck. He kisses and nibbles along his Adam's apple, until Kit moans when he finds his sensitive part; just below his ear.

Ming smiles to himself and begins teasing that area, he pulls Kit's small frame closer by playfully grabbing his bum. Kit giggles in surprise.

The smaller man is successful in releasing the shirt away from Ming. And runs his hand along his firm abs, he is happy with Ming's reaction of goosebumps.

They part and together they strip each other.



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"What the fuck?!" Kit exclaims upon removing Ming's underwear.

"I'll be gentle, KitKat." Ming smirks, he'll try at least.

Kit looks at Ming's hard, long penis and gulps. That was going to be inside him.

"If you keep staring at me like that I'll be self conscious."

Kit looks up at Ming. The tips of his ears reddened in embarrassment for being caught staring.

"Shut up!"

Ming laughs and holds the former man's hand. He tugs him away to the bedroom, which thankfully isn't too far.

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