Chapter 7

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"PEARL! PEARL WHAT'S WRONG?!" I scream from the other side of the door.

Instead of a real response, I just hear her wailing and crying more.  I sigh, getting a running start and busting through the door.

I don't care if I get a beating or have to pay for the new lock, this is for her.

For a moment, just a moment, I feel something in the room, something I can't see.

I decide to ignore it and run to Pearl, who's rolling around on the floor, shaking and screaming. Her eyes are completely shut, she has to be doing this in her sleep.

I start shaking her, "Pearl? Pearl! PEARL! PEARL WAKE UP!"

She gets a little quieter and still, and right when I thought she'd wake up, she starts screaming again.

I sigh, standing with my head in my hands, "Oh my Gaaawwwdddd what the FUCK!"

I notice her phone is laying off the hook and go to pick it up, dialing Patrick's number. It rings two times before it picks up and I hear a raspy hello, followed by the familiar burning sound of a cigarette.

I sigh, "Patrick I need you down here right now I-"

I'm interrupted by her screaming again, trying to speak but she's incoherent.

"Patrick she's doing this shit in her sleep I don't know what the fuck to do she won't wake up I-"

"Oh my God Henry alright I'll be there in a second. Jesus fucking-"

The line goes dead. He hung up.

I sigh, shaking her and trying to get her to wake up again, but it's not working. She's starting to sweat, like a lot. Her hair is gonna be stuck to her head soon.

There's four loud knocks at my door, which is Patrick's usual knock, before the doors open and I hear the thumping of his boots up the stairs.

He peers around the corner right after the screaming dies down a little, "Jesus fucking Christ Henry where the hell is your dad?!"


He looks at me like a crazy person, "Damn dude you're starting to sound like Bill."

I hold myself down and lift Pearl up into my lap, laying her against my chest, "Oh you're so fucking lucky I have to handle her Patrick."

He rolls his eyes, bending down and picking her up like she weighs nothing. After he straightens out and gets a good grip on her, he turns away from me and starts walking out the door.

"We Henry, we." he calls over his shoulder.

Inbalance - Patrick Hockstetter x female ocWhere stories live. Discover now