Halloween pt. 1

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The whole school was buzzing about Halloween. It was in a month, and there was a party at Cheryl's, open invitation for anyone in a costume.

Betty and Jughead were not quite so excited.

They had been chatting by the lockers on a Friday afternoon, planning for the night when they got into a nasty argument, the worst they had ever had.

"Why won't you just wear the stupid costume and have fun, for one night? I'm not asking for a whole lot here, Jug!" Betty yelled, frustration building with every word.

Jughead shook his head.

"It's not about the costume! It's about the fact that you don't understand how much I would loathe being in it, or being at this party in the first place!"

Betty was furious, steam was practically pouring out of her ears.

"It's not all about you Jug! Can't you just act like another normal idiot teen for a night?"

"You want me to be something I'm not? Something I hate?"

"Yeah, yeah I do!  Don't you think you could suck it up for once?"

Jughead couldn't take that lying down.

"What, am I supposed to completely alter my being to please you? Are you that selfish? Do you care about some stupid party this much?"

He yelled, contempt filling his every word.

And suddenly it wasn't about Halloween anymore, it was every argument they had ever had. It was the same one they had on Jughead's birthday, when they had broken up for a couple of hours.

Betty turned to storm out when Jughead called out,

"You know, maybe, maybe we aren't working anymore Betty."

The quiet words hung heavy in the air in sharp contrast to the shouting match that had been happening mere moments ago.

Betty turned slowly, hot angry threatening to pour over into her voice.

"Yeah", she said in as calm a tone as she could muster, "yeah we definitely aren't".

Betty caught one more look at Jughead's defeated face before she turned on her heel and trounced all the way home.


When she got home, Betty knew she was supposed to cry. She had just broken up with her long term boyfriend, if ever there was a time to cry it was now.

But the tears didn't come. She just felt hot anger. Dry rage inside that burned through her fingertips and made her clothes feel too warm and too tight.

She took her ponytail out, throwing the elastic on the ground, and changed into a pair of baggy shorts and a tee shirt, despite the fall chill outside.

There. At least now she felt like she could breathe again.

She took her phone out of her bag and FaceTimed Veronica to talk about the breakup.

"What's up B?" Veronica asked casually.

Betty swallowed.

"Jughead and I, we um, we broke up."

Betty braced herself for Veronica's response, which did not dissapoint.

"What! When? Why? How? Wha-what?"

Betty almost chucked at her friends predictability.

"We've just been fighting a ton recently. Like, today, we were talking about Halloween, like you know how you and Reggie are going as sexy cop and sexy robber?"

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