Halloween pt 2

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It was only a week until Halloween, and Betty, Archie, Jughead, and Veronica were finally getting back to normal after Betty and Jughead had broken up.

For the first few days or so, Archie and Veronica made sure that the four of them were never hanging out. They kept running around each other until one day Archie walked into the cafeteria to see the other three chatting easily.

Veronica has made Betty and Jughead talk it out, and now, Veronica decreed, there would be no more awkwardness.

That wasn't quite right, but things were better. Except. Veronica and Jughead didn't know that Archie and Betty kissed.

Hell, Betty and Archie didn't even talk about it. They had some unspoken agreement to treat it like the last one, to pretend that it didn't mean anything.

But it meant something to Archie.

Archie found himself replaying the touch of her lips over and over, laying awake at night thinking about his Betty.

He knew it was wrong. They were best friends, and she was Jughead's VERY recent ex.

But still, a little part of him couldn't help but think that surely the fact that they had kissed twice like this meant something.

Archie had come to terms with his crush on Betty. Now he wanted to know if she felt the same way.

She did.

Betty couldn't stop thinking about her neighbor. She was certain she should've been grieving over her breakup, but it seemed like her sadness had been overcome by this attraction resurfacing.

She got butterflies when they were together. The other day, Archie had given her his jacket on their walk home from school, and she nearly died it was so cute. Everything he did was cute. Or hot.

Betty was sure she wanted to kiss him again, but a part of her worried that he had kissed her out of pity. She didn't want to risk ruining their friendship.

Even if it meant sitting with her feelings.

It was the day of the party when Betty realized she had no costume.

She had planning to go with Jughead, but obviously that soon became a non-option, and she had forgotten to get a real costume.

Thankfully, Veronica had a solution.
"Oooh, this'll be perfect!" Veronica said right before popping a Ferraro Rocher in her mouth. The two girls were in Veronica's room, peering into her enormous closet.

"Are you sure you don't mind me borrowing a costume?"

"Of course not Betty, what are besties for? Be warned though, they might be a bit more risqué than your usual Halloween ensemble."

Betty eyebrows shot up as she pulled one of Veronica's old costumes out. "Uh, yeah, I can see that V!" Betty said, giving her friend a disbelieving smile.

Veronica grinned. " I had such a wickedly fun Halloweekend in that. It was... steamy, to say the least."

"Fun", Betty grimaced, dropping the costume.

Betty pulled a slightly more conservative costume out.

"How about this one?" She asked, holding the fit out in front of her. It was a perfect replica of Cher from Clueless' yellow plaid skirt-suit.

"That's perfect! Archie's gonna be all over you." Veronica said confidently.

Betty couldn't believe her ears, her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.

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