11. Hostage

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Stiles Stilinski Imagine- Hostage

A/N: If you haven't figured, this is based on the song Hostage by Billie Elish. Also, I'm on winter break right now so i have a lot of time to write. Yeay!!!!!!

Summary: Void keeps you because he knows that Stiles feels something for you.

Pairing: Void!Stiles Stilinski x reader, teenwolf x reader

Warnings: none

Wordcount: 2,3 K


I wanna be alone

Alone with you does that make sense?

I wanna steal your soul

And hide you in my treasure chest

The feeling cold skin rubbing against your cheek makes you come out of your sleep. Your fingers grip into the soft, cotton sheets and pull them upwards to cover your now cold skin. When the sheets hit your nose, a wave of musk and cinnamon gets blown in your face instead of the familiar scent of a vanilla laundry detergent that your mother always uses for the sheets and pillowcases.

You open your eyes in confusion. Little black specks of sleep still clouding your vision. Something isn't right. The scent of the candle that burn religiously isn't there. Your grey curtains are replaced by black and dusty ones. A small white light hanging from the ceiling gives the room a vibe that makes you want to vomit.

Just now, you notice a dark figure sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. You quickly grab the sheets towards you and push yourself against the wall the bed your laying on is resting against. " Easy there. " a broken and cracked voice says. It sounds familiar. Like a voice, you hear every day. Yet, you can't think of who it belongs too.

The figure stands up and walks out of the shadows. Your breath hitches in your throat as heavy footsteps ego through the room. Your heart feels like it's going to beat out of your chest. And that's when you see his face. Stiles.

Dark bags hang heavily under his eyes, the skin around them an eerie red. His normally neatly kept hair is now standing in every direction possible. His hands aren't plucking at the hem of his shirt anymore. His feet aren't bouncing and he is definitely not having a hard time keeping his body still.

This isn't Stiles. Yes, it might be his body. But it's not his mind. Normally, Stiles wouldn't be able to function normally if he was in the same room as you. And now, he is acting like your not even there.

I don't know what to do

To do with your kiss on my neck

I don't know what feels true

But this feels right so stay a sec

Yeah, you feel right so stay a sec

" I'm not going to hurt you, ". He sits down at the edge of the bed. You tuck your feet underneath you to keep him from having any physical contact with you. " Where am I? ". He lets out a chuckle as if you just asked him the stupidest question you could ask.

" I can't tell you that, little dove. ". Yeah, this is definitely not Stiles. He couldn't even say your name without stuttering, let alone call you his ' little dove '. " Who are you? ". He slowly lets his back hit the bed so that he is now laying down on the blue sheets, completely ignoring your question.

His hand reaches up towards your leg. You try to pull it away but his grip in your skin is too strong. The pad of his thumb starts to rub circles on your skin through the sheets. " I get why he likes you. ". What is he talking about? Who likes me?

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