31.8. Our Little Secret

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"Hey," a voice called out.

Stiles and (Y/N) stood feet apart, no sound coming from them. The little room was filled with a soft yellow light from the lamp he'd turned on, and the sound of even crickets could be heard in their wake.

"(Y/N)!" Scott pulled through the doorway with a sigh, "you're okay." Then, sensing the tension, he added, "anything wrong?"

The girl's eyes flickered over to Scott's face, a sudden iciness glazing over her tone when she responded, "so you've finally decided to care?"

"(Y/N)," he said awkwardly, his eyes shifting nervously.

"No texts or calls, but now you care?" she tilted her head, voice lowering further.

Scott cleared his throat, to which Stiles shook his head, "I'll see you in a minute, man. Just not right now."

"Yeah," Scott turned, not waiting another second to leave.

The door shut softly behind him, and the girl focused her attention back to Stiles, whose face instantly relieved the anger bubbling in her chest.

"I- I don't," she stuttered, words failing to come to her when she re-adjusted to the urgency of the situation.

Stiles silenced her with a hug, grabbing her by her arms and pulling her body into his chest. She gasped quietly with surprise, her face resting on the smooth curvatures of the muscles that rippled beneath the fabric of his clothes. His large hand held her head to his front, his chin perching on her forehead as his eyes closed.

"Stiles-" she mumbled into him.

"One minute," he insisted. "Please, just one minute where I can hold you without worrying."

She nodded lightly, breathing in his cologne and squeezing him so close until they were one solid mass of hurt and love. He brushed his fingers through her hair until their sixty seconds was up, and he stepped back solemnly.

"How'd they do it?" she spoke first.

"Went into my head," he said, "literally."

She arched a brow.

"I was uh, trapped, in my own mind," he laughed softly. "Scott got me out," he said, "but I wasn't the only one let free."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I came out with the nogitsune bandages all over me, and I was like, choking on them...and we were two separate entities," he continued. "The plan had been to just save me and the, you know, take care of Void."

"Take care of," she repeated bitterly. "The plan also involved locking me in my own room so I wouldn't interfere."

"Hey," he raised his hands defensively. "I was not involved with that."

"You mean you don't want him to die?" she said with surprise.

His big golden eyes searched her face, his lips drooping, "you know I felt everything he did, right?"

She lowered her face guiltily, "yeah."

She was hoping he'd fill the silence, but he just stood there beneath her warm lights, waiting.

"I didn't even want to think about that because I knew how mad you'd be, trapped inside his body while I helped him," she mumbled truthfully.

"I'm not mad," he stated.

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