Ivanete Marcelo and Quilda

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When I was a kid a family moved into the house in front, the family was made up of three people: father, mother and daughter. Ivanete was a black woman with a robust body, Marcelo a blond and skinny man. From the union of these individuals was born Quilda, a spoiled and intolerable girl who annoying everyone around her. Ivanete gradually was creating an intimacy with my mother and soon was attending our home almost daily. And in most of the times she brought her hateful daughter, in certain situations Ivanete asked my mother to take care of Quilda, I didn't like her and neither of any other child, but having her with us was an interesting experience, for I could manipulate her.

Over time this interaction with family neighboring became routine, my father has developed a friendship with Marcelo and my mom with ivanete. the same not happened to me and my sister, because we had seen that girl born and we had not like having some kind of friendship with a child that age. Marcelo always planned walks where the two families go out together on weekends to some nice place like a river, lake, farm, amusement park, parties etc... Marcelo was a good mood and joker always did the joy of the gang, Ivanete was a person of neutral personality, most of the time did not show any very striking characteristic, but that changed completely when she arguing with her husband.

Over time I started to attend the Ivanete's house, which was somewhat weird, but I didn't realize maybe because my childish innocence, I was there for a long time observed the routine of the house, sometimes even assisted the Ivanete in the household chores. One day Ivanete was putting the clothes on the clothesline while Quilda played in her bath plastic and ate umbu, suddenly the girl choked with umbu bark, Ivanete was desperate, shouted and hit on the girl's back until finally Quilda heimlich. I showed my concern by making some comments, but actually I had liked that.

In a warm afternoon Ivanete was washing clothes.

— Oh my, I still have a lot of clothes to wash and I haven't bathed Quilda.

— If you want I can bathed her for you!

I said it naturally as if it was something perfectly normal, I believe that Ivanete thought it was not appropriate and I knew it was not, but at the time I didn't think just talked.

— All right Caim, but don't need to bathed her, just throw some water on she just to refresh.

— Okay!

Quilda and I went to the bathroom, inside she took off her panties and I could see her vagina, was the first time I saw a vagina closely, I didn't think twice and I touched her vagina. I felt the delicacy of that part of the female body, immediately I was affected by a sense of pleasure and at the same time fear of being caught in the blatant. then I started playing water on Quilda and she fought back watering my shirt, then immediately to relieve the tension the moment showed the wet shirt to Ivanete.

— Ha ha ha ha, look what Quilda did to me.

Ivanete smiled and said.

— That's good for refreshing you.

For a few moments I was afraid that Quilda would say something about what happened in the bathroom for her mother, but I was quiet soon after when I realized that Quilda was playing with her toys and did not seem to remember anything.

A lot time later in an ordinary afternoon my sister and I were in the Ivanete's house, my sister held Cleverson, the Quilda's younger brother while Ivanete did some household chores. My sister walked with Cleverson on her arms toward the bedroom, the bedroom had no door, but only a curtain, then my sister, with two occupied hands passed through the entrance, and at this exactly moment the curtain blocked her vision. unable to see, she stumbled on a small bath plastic that was in front of the entrance, she fell along with the kid who hit his face on the floor, Ivanete listened to the noise and came to see what had happened. She came to bedroom calm, but when she realized that Cleverson was bleeding and unconscious, she got desperate and started shaking the kid and shouting my sister's name. Afraid of what she could do we ran out to the street, at that moment I thought Cleverson was dead. When we were away from Ivanete's house we spotted she coming out through the gate, apparently quieter. She called us back, my sister was a little undecided, but returned. I didn't come back, I preferred to go home. After a while I stopped attending that environment, because I realized that it was not the best place to be.

Fruit of Umbuzeiro.

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