Human Dolls

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Below is a detailed explanation from my supplier in Austria

"I create Lolita Slaves Toys. In case you're wondering what I mean, it's very simple: I turn young girls into manageable sex toys. That's it. The girls cannot leave, cannot resist, cannot say anything, because they are there just for your fun, sadistic.

Curious? I'm a surgeon. I go to these countries on the eastern outskirts of Europe. A very tough society, poverty is huge, and if you do not have the money and connections, you're screwed. Needless to say, I have both. We also have beautiful girls here, Eastern European countries are well known for this.

Luckily (for me), some of these girls do not have parents or relatives anymore and live in orphanages. In fact, I would not say live, it's amazing what you find there. Some very young girls are lucky to be adopted, but at 8 or 9 years of age they are very old.

Some of the prettiest girls are sold into prostitution, you might consider this lucky for them, instead of slowly disappearing into filth and poverty. And some girls I buy.

I usually choose attractive girls about 9 or 10 years before the onset of puberty. The orphanage is very cooperative, they are happy that they have one less mouth to feed, a new place to fill. They also willingly accept my donations for the girls. They never ask and I would never talk about what happens.

They know I'm a surgeon, they probably think I do some experiments with girls or cut and sell their organs. But no, I've found a much more profitable business: I turn girls into sex toys!

You can order a Lolita Slave toy if you want. They are not cheap, I charge between $ 30,000 and $ 40,000 for a toy. That is, without shipping costs. But you will have a Lolita Sex Toy slave that will give you satisfaction for years, she is like a doll, but she is a living doll!

Let me tell you how I turn an orphan girl into a living doll. When I find a suitable new girl, I ask the orphanage to deliver her to my house. She arrives naked, tied up and blindfolded. After a brief inspection and a quick medical checkup, I take her to my special clinic in my home.

First, I'm going to clean it very well. These girls really smell bad and are filthy, they take a shower and when she is finally clean, I put her on a hospital bed and give her an injection that will make her sleep.

I'll create a new identity and give her a new name - I do not know the names of real girls, I just know their age, that's all I need to know. In the orphanage, they have all their data destroyed. She never existed. From now on, they will only exist as a toy.

I have some Lolita Slaves for myself: Dasha, who is 11 years old and is only in the final stages of her transformation, Tanya, who is 12 years old, two years since she was raised, and Luda, who is 14 years old and 4 months of pregnancy.

The next morning is the day in great operation. The girl will still be sleeping because of the anesthetic last night. I put her on the operating table and administered anesthetics for the operation to take place. So if you're wondering how my Slave Toy will not resist? It's very simple: I do amputation of your legs and arms! I am going to amputate the arms above the elbows and the legs above the knees. Easy, is not it? This girl will never get away from you ... for a girl this is a very heavy operation and is probably the most important step in the transformation process. But most of the time they survive.

Now, I'm not just leaving the girls with stumps in their arms and legs. I will attach a 5cm metal bar very tightly to the bone on your arms and legs before sewing the wounds. The other end of the metal bar has a screw thread, where it is possible to attach an o-ring.

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