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Harry walks to the local market which was only 4 minutes away.

"Hello Barbara. How are you?"

"Oh hi Harry. I'm doing fine, what about you, son?" Harry knew Barbara for over five years now. And she was a lovely woman.

"I'm fine. I just ran out of some ingredients in the restaurant." He pouts.

"Aw. Well I have some fresh chickens." She points to the table

"Is it really fresh?" He smells the chicken.

"Believe me son. We just got them yesterday. Oh! And we have crabs also. I know you need them for you restaurant daily." She gets them underneath the table.

"Thank you so much Barbara. I really need those. I'll take 28 pounds of those, please." He smiles.

He walks around picking out cilantro, parma ham, potatoes, garlic, mozzarella cheese, and tomatoes.

He bumps into something or someone.

"Ow! Watch where you're go-" Harry looks up go see the blue eyed boy.

"Fooking hell. It's your fau-." Louis looks up from his camera. "Oh. Hi."

"I'm really sorry." Harry apologizes for the fourth time now.

"It's my fault really. I was the one focusing down on my camera."

Louis gives his hand out to him. Praying Harry will take his hand.

Harry takes his hand and stands up. "Thanks."

Louis smiles.

Harry bends down to pick up his ingredients. Louis helps him too.

"Thank you, um..."

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson." He extends his hands.

Harry takes it.

"Hi Louis. Louis Tomlinson." They laugh.

They get up from the floor and Louis helps him carry his vegetables. And they start walking together after paying.

Harry stops in front of the restaurant. "Why are we stopping?" Louis asks.

"Because this is my stop."

"Wait you work here?"

"No." Harry chuckles. "Actually this is my restaurant."

Louis' eyes pops. "No fooking way!"

HIII. I'm Fooking back. 28 days later. It wasn't even planned tbh. It just kinda happened. And I happen to be free atm.

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