Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I pocketed the gemstone in my pajama pocket and flew from the room, not bothering to shut off the light or close the door. My heart raced as I took the stairs two at a time, down to the fifth floor, my palms sweating for no other reason than anticipation.

This was what we had been waiting for.

I beat my damp palm against the door impatiently, murmuring under my breath for them to hurry up.

"What the-" I heard Matt muttering to himself from the other side of the door just before it flew open. "What's going-"

"Kat, I found it!" I interrupted him, looking at a pajama clad Katerina behind him. She looked at me like I was crazy – I probably sounded crazed – but I didn't care. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the gemstone, holding it up like the treasured possession that it truly was. "I found it!" I repeated, louder this time, unable to keep the wide grin off my face.

"That's the gemstone mom gave you when you graduated high school. What about it?" Matt scratched at his head in confusion, his voice groggy with sleep.

"This is what we've been looking for!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. "This is the Simeonov gemstone!"

Kat moved forward, pushing past Matt to examine the stone in my hand, her brows knitting together as she glanced up at me. "How do you know?"

"Finn's mom told me. She brought me to the Spirit World – or her mother, Irena, did."

"Oh, my god. Are you serious?" She looked up at me with wide eyes.

"I am. This is what we need to find him." The smile stayed on my face as moisture gathered in my eyes at the thought of seeing him again. I had so much to tell him, so much to make up to him for. I just wanted to make things right between us.

"How do you have this?" Matt spoke up, still looking skeptical.

"Irena, Raina Cahill's mother, had a vision about Finnian and me years ago, before I was even born. She knew we'd need this one day. She told Raina to give it to mom, and Raina told mom to give it to me."

"I can't sense any magic in this." Kat spoke slowly, not wanting to let me down.

"I don't know, maybe Irena spelled it to hide the magic. I don't know," I repeated. "I just know that this is it."

"The magic would have worn off as soon as Irena died." Kat murmured as she gently took the gemstone from me, her eyes narrowing in on the item as she examined it. Her eyes fluttered closed as she squeezed the stone in her hand and started chanting softly. Finally, her eyes pried open and she looked up at me in disappointment. "I can't feel anything in this, Ken."

"Maybe Sage can figure it out." I said stubbornly, refusing to believe that this wasn't the answer. "I'll go get her and we'll meet you in your workroom."

I ran off down the hall before either of them could say anything else, not even grabbing the stone back from Kat. Sage was on the third floor, in one of the guest rooms, so I ran down two more flights of stairs and down to the door at the end of the hall that we set her up in. I beat on her door, much like I had Kat's door.

It took as few seconds before she opened the door, sleep in her eyes. It was three in the morning, after all. She looked confused for a few seconds, but once she saw me, she looked a little more alert. "What's happening?"

"I found the Simeonov gemstone!" I exclaimed.

"What? How?"

I explained to her quickly about Raina, and by the end, she looked stunned but that slowly faded into a grin that matched mine.

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