Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

I paced back and forth nervously, my brain working on overdrive, thinking through all of my options.  I had called a meeting ten minutes ago, and I would have to go into a room with all of my family and top ranked warriors and deliver a plan to them – a plan to bring back their King.  My nerves were going haywire, both with the thought of failure of bringing Finn home and the thought of seeing him again. 

I wondered how he would feel once he saw me again.  Would he hate me?  Blame me like I had blamed him after my parents died? 

I sank down to the floor of our bathroom, biting my lip to try to keep my cries at bay as tears welled up in my eyes.  My guilt was eating me alive, consuming me whole.  I sometimes wondered if there would be any of me left by the time he got home.  I felt immense regret and remorse over how I treated Finnian, how I blamed him for something that wasn't his fault.  How I didn't tell him I loved him when I had the chance. 

The only reason he wasn't here was because of me.  I was painfully aware of that and was fully expecting him to hate me.  I deserved it anyways. 

Right now, more than ever, I wished things were different.  I wished my parents were still here.  Dad would know what to do.  I was a fraud, a fake.  I couldn't lead anyone.  I couldn't even hold myself together enough to not ruin my relationship with my mate after my parents were killed.  I wasn't a leader, but my dad... he was the real deal.  He would be able to take over and get Finnian back if he were here.  He would take charge and mom would comfort me while I cried.  But they were gone now and I was left to pretend to be the Queen that I wasn't sure I could ever really be. 

So, it was on me right now to go down there and lead, to figure out a plan of attack that would get as few people as possible hurt or killed, especially the people that I loved. 

I took a deep breath in and released it slowly, trying to calm my nerves.  I repeated that a few more times and wiped the tears from my face.  I stood finally and glanced at my reflection in the mirror – bloodshot eyes, splotchy red spots on my cheeks, my face completely bare of makeup and my curly locks pulled up into a messy bun.  Without makeup, the scar on my neck was more prominent.  It had been an angry red color for weeks, but had faded to white overtime.  I didn't care enough to hide it. 

I didn't bother changing my hair, despite the errant tendrils pointing wildly in every direction and falling around my face and neck.  Instead, I pulled myself together emotionally, left the bathroom, and headed downstairs to the meeting.

Everyone was already inside once I arrived, so I took my seat at the head of the table. 

"What's going on Kendall?"  Harrison questioned as soon as I was seated, his brows furrowed in concern.  I did call this meeting rather abruptly, after all. 

"Kat and Sage located Finnian."  I announced to the group, my eyes fleeting over the two witches seated on the left of the table.  Kat was right next to Matt, Sage on her other side, followed by Harrison and Li. Selena and Tyler were across from Matt and Kat, and Maisie was next to Selena.  

"What?"  Selena's bloodshot eyes widened when she heard my words.  "How?" 

"That's not important right now."  I paused, not wanting to waste time right now explaining my talk with Raina and how I found the gemstone.  Plus, I wanted to tell Finnian that I met his mother before I told anyone else.  "What is important is that we know where he is and we're going to get him as soon as we finish here, so we need a plan."

"Where is he?"  Tyler inquired thoughtfully, the wheels already turning in his head, his eyes calculating. 

I glanced over at Kat, who cleared her throat and spoke up.  "He's at a warehouse, kind of similar to the one Kendall and Maisie were held at.  It's about six hours west of here, and it's completely abandoned.  Nothing around for miles.  Finnian is being kept in a cell in the basement." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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