You're Mine, Bruised and Broken But Mine

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Lemia's POV

I wake up today with a smile on my face, thinking Alex will ask me out today. I put on my Forever The Sickest Kids tee on with some black and red checked split skinnies and super high, high top Converse.

After I get changed I head downstairs and see my older brother Devon, eating breakfast at the kitchen table.

"Hey Lemms. Something tells me you went out with some guy last night. He your boyfriend?" Devon asks me with a grin.

"Hes not my boyfriend. Hes just a friend."

"Of course he is." He says and rolls his eyes.

"Look I have to go." I say not wanting to be late for school.

I leave the kitchen and head out to my car.

Alex's POV

I wake up ready ready to see Lemia. I want to look a little more decent than normal to impress her. I pick out a plaid shirt and regular black skinnies to go with some mid top sneakers.

I leave my room and call Jack on my way to my car to pick him up because the last thing I want him to do is drive and die.

After Jack gets in my car he says "Tell me you're gonna ask her"

" I will, keep your pants on."

We get to school and I park near Lemia's car.

"You ready man? Can't back down now." Jack says.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say taking a deep breath as we walk into the school, myself walking to find Lemia and Jack going to find Rian.

I find Lemia being tormented by Lisa. Blood running down her tear covered face while being unconscious.

"Lisa why the hell are you hurting my girlfriend?" I say in shock, calling Lemia my girlfriend even though I never asked her.

"She was ruining my chance with you!"

"Yeah because I date girls who beat people up." I say sarcastically,while cautiously picking up Lemia and taking her unconscious body into one of the abandoned health rooms. Why our health rooms are abandoned I have no clue, nor do I care at this moment in time.

I try to wake Lemia up by shaking her lightly, saying little nothings.

"Lemia please wake up, you are the only one for me." I say pleadingly, hoping she will wake up.

Lemia's POV

I hear someone, they want me to wake up. I want to too. Lisa just had to beat me up and cause this mess.

I try to wake up, fingers move please! I feel something wiggle, its my fingers! Now for you toes. Something else is moving. Its my toes! Come on eyes just open. I try to. Why won't you open. Please! They open. Who is that I see? Its Alex!

"Lemia you're awake!" Alex says hugging me.

"It was Lisa, Alex. She hurt me!" I say tears flowing and Alex putting me into his arms, holding me.

"I know she did baby. Don't cry." He says placing his thumbs on my face to rub the tears away. I try to stop crying and I eventually do.

"Lemia I know I broke your heart not to long ago but please be the only one for me." He says

"Alex, I want you to be mine too."

Alex carrys me bridal style out of the abandoned room. We go and see Lisa, as we see her she is hanging around her posse, bragging about how she beat me up.

"Hey Lisa look here!" I yell.

She turns her head to look at me. I wouldn't be able to tell you how much hatred was in her eyes but that doesn't matter. I don't care because Alex got me where he wanted and I got him where I wanted


Three years later.

All of mine and Alex's’ wildest dreams came true. He has his band with Jack and their friends and I got to walk down the aisle, marrying the best guy ever.


This was something I wrote for a contest over a year ago, it's really bad, I know. 

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