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Name: Lexi Alice Byers

Nickname: Lex, Le-Le, Le

Season One: 12
Season Two: 13
Season Three: 15

Birthday: 4 \ 7 \ 1970

Sexuality: Heterosexual \ Straight

Crush: Mike

Personality: Lexi is very confident in herself and around others. She's is a badass when she wants to be and a sweetheart when she feels like it. Lexi lets her walls down around Mike sharing her concerns about being bullied for her skin tone so she gets very self-conscious and usually asks Mike for advice. She's a sailor's mouth and has no filter, she has a flirty and sexy side that only comes out around someone she loves romanticly and that mainly shows through her dancing and singing.

Likes?: Micheal Jackson, dancing, forts, late night wood walks, the stars, her brother Will and his dorky friends, singing and riding her bike around town late at night with Mike.

Dislikes?: The dark and being alone for long periods of time

History?: Lexi and Will, Will and Lexi. no matter the order they were the best of friends since birth hence they were cousins. Lexi and Will were cousins that look nothing alike and it freaks people out when they find out they're related; calling Lexi a disgrace and a fuck up. Will used to stand up for her being the older cousin by two hours but since he made friends with Dustin, Lucas and Mike he hasn't been there for her too much. They got into a massive argument and thus leading to the group finally meeting Lexi. The first time Lexi laid eyes on Mike she was gobsmacked while Will laughed at her. Lexi, Eleven and Max are close friends seeing they're the only girls in the crew.



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