Chapter Ten Despair, Hatred, All For One.

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The moonlight was shining through the cave stopping at both Izuku's and Licht's bodies.

None of them moving or even showing a single sign if there alive or dead.

Both the Yaoyorozu's sisters come to Izuku's aid while Luck and Todoroki tied Licht's body with Todoroki's ice magic.

"Water creation magic: Maidens Song." Misaki said casting a healing magic on Izuku, A blue maiden appeared singing with an angelic voice, water particles was forming healing Izuku's injuries.

"Thank you Misaki" Momo said to her older sister, "Don't worry about it. This boy sure is amazing, he saved us.

Hearing the word saved by this freak of nature was filling Todoroki with rage, Saved? By this freak... no insect he shouldn't even be a knight let alone be alone need the princess.......

"You're all complete idiots for thinking that demon is on your side, one day he'll take over and kill all of use like he did my people." Licht said coughing up blood. Todoroki walked up to Licht aiming his flame magic at his head.

"What's to stop me from killing you right now!" He yelled, Licht only grinned slightly closing his eyes seeing flash backs of his people being killed by that black demon.

"Because I have information on that demon, not only that but I'm the leader of The eye of the midnight sun, a kid like you doesn't have the right to kill me." Todoroki knew he was right, he couldn't do anything right now..

"Todoroki, calm down let's call this in and wait for help." Momo said sending the emergency signal for help.

Todoroki walked back sitting down on floor next to Luck just waiting for help to arrive.

There was silence in the room until something demonic spoke.

"It's about time you Elf's come out of hiding again."

The magic on Izuku's body was cancelled while all of his hair turned black and his eyes bloodstained red.

"So you've finally got a vessel." Licht said opening his eyes seeing the demon in front of him.

"Not yet but the more he depends on my power I'll have him for good." The demon laughed, Everyone else couldn't move from where they was the bloodlust the pressure from Kaneki was enough to make them freeze of fear.

"Elf, My plan wasn't to kill anyone from you're tribe. I'll say this once, someone betrayed you from the inside and let another demon control everything."

"But when I say demon this isn't someone like me.. he can control every magic in the world... take anyone mana or magical power for himself.."

"His name is All For One."

"He wanted me my power even now he's working in the shadows trying to get me.. well Izuku since me and him are one."

"If anything happens to Izuku it's you're fault.. why can't you just leave him alone if he didn't have you Izuku could live a normal life and be free of all this. Why does everything have to be so cruel to him, he's been through enough already, just please leave him alone." Momo begged with light tears dropping to the floor, her older sister hugged Momo while still watching out for the demon.

"Listen here kid, without me you would be dead. Remember that."

With that Izuku's body went back to normal, his eyes opened confused about how he ended up in front of the enemy.

"What.. happened?" Izuku asked looking around, Luck got to his feet with Todoroki telling Izuku about everything the demon said.

"All For One." Izuku spoke wondering who this person was and what he wanted with his Magic.


"I'll kill every last one of them.. ALL
OF THEM FOR HURTING Licht." Fana Of hatred said riding her fire spirit Salamander.

Fana is one of the three strongest members from The eye of the midnight sun.

Next to her was Vetto of Despair his magic was beast magic, it's ability Unknown.

The final one was dressed in all black he didn't speak or anything but he was looking behind him when a loud voice was heard...

"All For One" Someone yelled punching him right into the cave we're Izuku's team was waiting with Licht.

All For One landed perfectly in the middle of the cave everyone looked at his body when the person who punched him landed.

"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!"

The young kids was filled with joy seeing the most powerful person in the entire UA Kingdom.

All Might.

Short chapter, I know sorry for being away for months. Updates will start once again :) for all my books.

Hopefully people still enjoy the story.

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